Lilys Kitchen

Lilys Kitchen

Terms and Conditions

Use of Voucher Codes

Affiliates may only promote codes that are provided through the Lily’s Kitchen affiliate programme. Commission will only be paid on valid and approved affiliate voucher codes. 

Lily’s Kitchen reserve the right to withhold and/or decline commission if non-authorised codes are used in an affiliate sale. This includes cancelling any sales generated using a code assigned exclusively to another publisher and codes found on the Lily’s Kitchen site or CRM programme (such as ‘welcome’ codes).  


PPC Policy

Paid advertising is not permitted (unless prior written agreement between the publisher and Lily’s Kitchen). 

These terms and conditions are applicable on any ad platform (including, but not limited to, search engines, content networks, social networking ad placements). 

Examples of prohibited PPC activity include:

• Bidding on misspellings, e.g. ‘Lillys Kitchen’

• Bidding on variations of the brand term, e.g. ‘Lilys Kitchen’ 

• Broad matching on brand terms (we ask affiliates to negative match against ‘Lily’s Kitchen’) 

• Direct linking 

• URL redirects taking the customer directly to the Lily’s Kitchen website



Affiliates may not alter any of the creative or text links available through the interface without prior written permission. 

Out of date/redundant creative or text links are forbidden. Affiliates are requested to not hardcode banners, to allow for automatic updates. If different creative or links are needed, contact for review. 


Any affiliate ignoring these terms & conditions may have their commission(s) declined and/or result in termination of the Lily’s Kitchen programme. 

For more information, or further clarification on these terms & conditions, please contact