
Bows Boutiques is a fast fashion brand empowering women to experiment with their style. Offering trend-led and celebrity inspired pieces at seriously affordable prices, Bows Boutiques live and love fashion.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


  • Affiliates may not alter the creative or text links provided through the interface without prior approval.
  • Affiliates are requested not to hard code creative banners so updates are immediate.
  • Bespoke creative can be provided by our design team at short notice to support you.

Product Feed

  • The Bows Boutiques product feed is updated regularly and affiliates are required to maintain accurate prices to avoid dissapointment.

Voucher Codes

  • Affiliates may only use voucher codes provided through the interface.
  • We reserve the right to decline commisions obtained through non-authorised voucher codes.
  • Voucher codes must be accompanied by their terms and expiry date where appropriate.
  • Bows Boutiques voucher codes can only be used on full price Bows Boutiques items.


  • Bows Boutiques requires prior approval of copy that is appearing in online or offline media. 

I-Frames & Masked URL's

  • Affiliates may not put the Bows Boutiques website in an I-Frame or mask our URL.


  • We accept PPC affiliates for all search networks however bidding on our brand name 'bows boutiques' or similar is not allowed.
  • Bidding on terms similar to brand name such as 'bows boutiques promo code' is generally forbidden but may be allowed, subject to approval by Bows Boutiques on a case-by-case basis. 

Affiliate Approvals

  • Affiliates are checked for suitability and require a working URL before approval.