A1 Connect

A1 Connect

Terms and Conditions

PPC Policy:

​Please do not promote A1 Connect via PPC.

No affiliates may bid on our brand names or variations of the brand name. In order to avoid any keyword matching issues, affiliates must add the following keywords as negative broad match to any and all Paid Search activity:

·         A1Connect

·         A1Connect.co.uk

Unless prior written consent is granted, affiliates are not permitted to bid, or appear, on hybrid brand searches.


{“A1Connect + offer)”, “A1Connect + discount”}

Please also ensure that you do not use our URL www.A1Connect.co.uk in your ads and please ensure you are not driving PPC traffic directly to our site.



Please note that commission is only available on new customer transactions.


Voucher Codes

A1 Connect does not work with voucher sites.