
The complete discount and rewards platform, offering rewards at over 3,500 vendors through 5 main categories. Motoring, Health Wellbeing, Card linked cashback, Discounted e-gift cards and Education. And for every new member we'll plant a tree!


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days

Submissions and Timelines

All submissions must be sent to Pineapple Nation ( for approval at least

  1. two weeks in advance of the announcement date or use date. Requests received within (2) two weeks of any use may be declined immediately.

All submissions that do not adhere to the branding guidelines below will be immediately declined.

If you have any questions regarding the use of Pineapple Nation brands or submission policies, please your branding guidelines. If you do not have branding guidelines, enter 'No branding guidelines.


Primary Logo

The primary logo is the main or flagship logo that represents the Pineapple Nation brand visually.  This logo features a unique typography, symbol, and imagery.  It conveys the core values associated with the business, including freshness and naturalness, joy and positive energy, community and community spirit, and sustainability and environmental consciousness.


Secondary Logo

The secondary logo helps to expand the brand's visibility and recognition while maintaining the fundamental visual identity of the primary logo. It provides opportunities for creative applications and variations while reinforcing the brand's unity and consistency.

The simplicity of the secondary logo allows for flexibility and adaptation when the primary logo doesn't fit for any reason on

various surfaces.



The Submark is a smaller version or element of the logo that is typically presented in a simplified and streamlined form. It is used to provide a more compact and versatile representation of the brand. The submark is particularly useful in situations where space is limited or when a more subtle and understated branding approach is desired.


Here are some scenarios where it is recommended to use the submark:

  1. Social media profiles and avatars: The submark can be used as a profile picture or avatar on social media platforms where space is restricted.
  2. Watermarks or small-scale applications: When the primary logo would be too visually complex or crowded in small-scale applications such as labels, tags, or stickers, the submark can be a suitable alternative.
  3. Favicon: The submark is commonly used as a favicon, which is a small icon that appears in the browser tab or bookmark bar.
  4. Merchandise and promotional items: The submark can be applied to merchandise, such as pens, keychains, or promotional materials, where a smaller branding element is preferred.

Clear Space

Maintaining proper Clears pace is crucial for the effective display of the logo and other graphic elements. This designated space around the logo and other elements ensures the necessary breathing room for them to stand out and be easily interpretable. Creating and maintaining Clearspace is important because it ensures the logo remains 

recognizable and legible. To ensure the logo remains legible at all times, it should not be reduced below the specified minimum size.

Primary Logo: 20mm

Secondary Logo: 20mm



Monochrome Logo

When using the Monochrome logo, we utilize a single-color version instead of the original full-colour logo. This version is particularly useful in cases where colours cannot be displayed or are not suitable for the environment. The simplicity and clarity of the Monochrome logo aid in its easy recognition and legibility.


Improper Usage

Improper usage refers to cases when the logo is not displayed or applied according to the guidelines specified in the brand book. This includes altering or distorting the logo's proportions, modifying its colours, or using outdated versions. It is important to adhere to the guidelines to maintain the integrity and consistency of the brand's identity. Improper usage can lead to confusion and diminish the brand's visual appearance, so it is crucial to always use the logo correctly and in the manner specified in the brand book.



The preferred typography to be used on any marketing is the Ubuntu font family.

In relation to typography, we apply a unified and consistent approach in both printed and web materials. We have established a shared font that is fully aligned with the typography of the logo. This ensures a cohesive and harmonious style, which strengthens brand identification. By utilizing the designated font, we maintain a consistent visual appearance in both printed and web materials. This consistency enhances brand recognition and reinforces visual messaging across various platforms and communication channels.



The use of colours has been carefully selected for Pineapple Nation brand, reflecting its core values. We recommend utilizing these primary colours when designing brand elements to enhance the representation of freshness and naturalness, joy and positive energy, community and community spirit, as well as sustainability and environmental consciousness. By aligning with these colours, the brand's visual identity will be further strengthened, creating a cohesive and impactful brand experience.

Cadmium Green: HEX: #006837                    C:100 M:0 Y:47 K:59               RGB: 0, 104, 55

Halloween Orange: HEX: #EC6525                     C:0 M:57 Y:84 K:8               RGB: 236, 101, 37

Yellow Orange: HEX: #F9B03D               C:0 M:29 Y:76 K:2              RGB: 249, 176, 61

Spanish Green: HEX: #009245                    C:100 M:0 Y:53 K:43               RGB: 0, 146, 69

Blue-Green: HEX: #0B98C3              C:94 M:22 Y:0 K:24              RGB: 11, 152, 195

Dogwood Rose: HEX: #D21F63               C:0 M:85 Y:53 K:18               RGB: 210, 31, 99



Logo on Coloured Backgrounds: Primary Logo

When the logo appears on a coloured background, it is important to pay attention to proper contrast and readability. The appropriate contrast between the logo and the background ensures that the logo stands out and is easily interpretable. In the case of Pineapple Nation, we use a coloured background with a solid, white base colour for the primary logo. This combination of a coloured background with a white base colour maintains the logo's visibility and legibility.


Logo on Coloured Backgrounds: Secondary Logo

When the logo appears on a coloured background, it is important to pay attention to proper contrast and readability. The appropriate contrast between the logo and the background ensures that the logo stands out and is easily interpretable. In the case of Pineapple Nation, we use a coloured background with a solid, white base colour for the primary logo. This combination of a coloured background with a white base colour maintains the logo's visibility and legibility.



Graphic Elements

Graphic elements have been provided