Hive - Smart Home & Heating

Hive - Smart Home & Heating

Terms and Conditions


Commission is only paid on the value of a new customer order excluding VAT and P&P

  • Heating with install– 2%
  • Heating self install – 2%
  • Lights starter kit (3 lights + hub) White – 2%
  • Lights starter kit (3 lights + hub) Tuneable – 2%
  • Lights starter kit (3 lights + hub) Colour – 2%
  • Hive Starter Pack (Heating, white light, contact, motion) – 2%
  • Hive Premium Pack (Heating, 2 x white lights, contact, motion, plug) – 2%
  • Other – 0%

Sales are de-duplicated against all other marketing channels:

  • PPC Brand
  • PPC Generic
  • Email Advertising
  • Display Advertising
  • Direct Partnerships
  • Price Comparison
  • In House Publisher Programme

Commission will not be paid on returned orders or fraudulent transactions.

Hive reserves the right to adjust commission or sale values of transactions to bring them in line with the terms and conditions if this isn’t tracked automatically.


Affiliate requirements:

The following affiliate sites and behaviours are not permitted:

  • Under construction
  • Contain adult content or are pornographic or sexually explicit
  • Promote violence, discrimination, terrorism, drug use, harassment or other illegal activities
  • Use spyware or phishing techniques or are motivated by fraudulent or dishonest practices
  • Infringe trademarks or violate intellectual property rights of Hive
  • Adopt black hat web practices
  • Work against the interest of Hive
  • A competitor or rival company
  • Participate in fraudulent activity
  • Social network domains or display names that contain ‘Hive’ or any variation

Hive and/or Affiliate Window will evaluate the application and notify the potential affiliate of their acceptance or rejection to the programme.

Hive may terminate your participation in the programme immediately and without notice if you breach any of these terms.



Hive may work with a closed group of PPC affiliates. Unless an affiliate is a member of that closed group:

  • Affiliates are not allowed to direct link to Hive or British Gas in any PPC activity on any search engine. This includes both destination URLs and display URLs within ad copy.
  • Affiliates are not permitted to bid on Hive or British Gas any of its misspells or variations, either alone or in conjunction with a generic keyword.
  • This includes 'Hive Active Heating, 'Hive Thermostat', 'British Gas Hive', 'Hive British Gas', ‘British Gas Thermostat’ etc
  • Affiliates are advised to add these terms to their negative keyword lists across all search accounts to avoid any confusion.
  • Affiliates shall not purchase any domains that include any variation or misspell of ‘Hive’ or ‘British Gas’.
  • Affiliates are not permitted to bid on any of Hive’s or British Gas’s competitors’ brand terms to drive traffic to Hive.


Voucher Codes:

Affiliates operating a voucher code directory will not be approved onto the Hive affiliate programme and any affiliate generating commissions via a voucher code directory will have them declined.

A voucher code directory is defined as any website whose sole or primary purpose is to promote the use of voucher codes and discounts and includes any website with a URL which contains any of the following terms: 'code', 'voucher', 'vouchercode', 'promotional code', 'coupon'.

From time to time Hive may issue voucher codes. Affiliates may only promote Hive voucher codes that have been communicated via Affiliate Window or the Hive affiliate manager.

Please note Hive will only pay 2% commission on eligible transactions that involve the use of a voucher code.

Voucher code sites must be IAB compliant. It is the affiliate’s responsibility to remain up to date and work in accordance with any changes and/or recommendations.

Hive will provide a range of approved creative including banners in standard sizes in Affiliate Window’s interface.

Hive will also be happy to supply other creative, images and copy as required.

If an affiliate wishes to design his or her own creative then please ensure that it adheres to Hive’s brand guidelines (available on request).

If Affiliate Window and/or Hive deems that the creative designed and produced by an affiliate is not consistent with Hive’s brand guidelines then they may ask for it to be removed and until the affiliate complies with that request then all commissions will be withheld or reversed.



Affiliates who wish to promote Hive via email must have all creative approved by Affiliate Window and Hive.