Shorefield Holidays

Shorefield Holidays

Terms and Conditions

• The cookie will be active for a total of 30 days

• 3% for self-catering bookings from voucher code affiliates.
• 5% on all other holiday bookings.
• £25 for a holiday home ownership lead 
• £100 for a confirmed park visit, as a result of an ownership lead from your site* 
• £650 for an ownership caravan purchase, as a result of a lead from your site* 
• £1,500 for an ownership lodge purchase, as a result of a lead from your site*
• *If a customer fails to attend the VIP tour or cancels their holiday, commission will not be paid.
• Commission received by the affiliate will be calculated on tariff booking rate and not final total. 


PPC Restrictions:
• Please be aware that affiliates are not permitted to bid on any of the park names, the brand name or any search that includes the brand name Shorefield Holidays, Shorefield Country Park, Oakdene Forest Park, Forest Edge Holiday Park, Merley Court Holiday Park, Swanage Coastal Park, Lytton Lawn Touring Park, New Forest Lodge Retreat, Shorefield or any other variations or misspellings. 
• Bidding on the brand name and the names of each of the parks (including variations or misspellings of these) is prohibited on all search engines. Failure to comply with these rules will result in reduced or removed commissions and possible removal from the Programme.

General Terms
• The affiliate's website must not promote illegal activities, promote violence of any kind, promote any type of discrimination, breach intellectual property rights or promote sexually explicit materials.
• The affiliate must use branding and imagery provided by Shorefield Holidays. Please contact us if you require any assets.
• Your website must be a live, fully-functioning site at time of application and have a top level domain e.g.

Please ensure that the content featured on your site is unique and that you do not copy and paste directly from our own website, as per best online practices. Any publishers found to have directly copied our own content may have comissions declined and/or be subject to suspension. 

Please note that if an affiliate fails to meet the terms of our agreement we may remove them from the Shorefield Holidays programme at any time. Shorefield Holidays reserves the right to deny commission for the month that an affiliate has been conducting against the terms of the agreement and immediately suspend the affiliate.