
Phones direct is a provider of previously owned smartphones, tablets and wearable tech. Offering a wide range great quality devices, for a great value price for our customers.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


Terms & Conditions for Phones Direct

Discounts Codes

  • Expired discount codes must be removed from your website upon the day of expiry.
  • Expired discount codes must not be communicated in any means or form to consumers.
  • Only official discount codes communicated by the Affiliate Account Manager may be promoted by an affiliate.
  • Discount codes may not be promoted as being eligible to be combined with another form of discount, voucher or cashback unless explicitly stated by the Affiliate Account Manager.

Validations of sales where a voucher code has been used

In order to help monitor affiliate use of voucher codes, Phones Direct use voucher code tracking. This allows individual codes used within a transaction to be listed next to each order number.
Phones Direct reserves the right to decline any sales that have been tracked with an unauthorised voucher code whether this code was promoted on the site or not.


  • Affiliates must update ad copy that features in search engine page results to ensure it is consistent with the latest Phones Direct offers, discounts and vouchers.

PPC Policy

  • Please be advised that brand name bidding restrictions apply to the Phone Direct program.
  • Affiliates are requested not to bid on brand or brand plus generic terms or ANY derivation or misspelling; 
  • Affiliates are also not allowed to bid on terms where Phones Direct appears in the natural listings in the top 3 on generic terms and not above their own PPC activity. To avoid broad match issues please include restricted terms as negative keywords in all your PPC campaigns for Phones Direct
  • Affiliates are requested not to use any domain owned by Phones Direct as their display URL for PPC. 
  • Affiliates wishing to promote Phones Direct PPC through use of a landing page should first contact us. PPC affiliates who apply for the Phones Direct program without first getting in touch to discuss their promotion may find that their application is declined.
  • Affiliates found contravening these terms may have their commissions declined and face immediate suspension from the program.

Domain restrictions

  • Affiliates are asked not to register domains which are similar or misspells of our brand, any activity of this kind on the campaign will result in commissions being declined and retrieval of the domain.


  • Affiliates are free to use only creative available within their affiliate account in their promotion of Phones Direct Please contact us if you would prefer to develop your own which we can sign off on an ad hoc basis..
  • Affiliates are requested not to hard code banners into their sites so that updates made to the creative available through Affiliate Window will automatically have immediate effect. Phones Direct provide promotion banners on an ad hoc basis.

Notice and Action

  • Affiliates agree to action and remedy any request that brings them back in accordance with the Phones Direct program terms in no less than 7 UK working days. Exceptions to this rule are at the Affiliate Account Managers discretion.

Breach of terms

  • Phones Direct reserve the right to withhold commission payments to any affiliate found to be in breach of these terms.