
Since 2004 Direct Stoves have been supplying the UK market with highly efficient, highly sought after wood Burning and Multi Fuel Stoves accessories.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days

Affiliates are prohibited from bidding on brand terms, permutations and misspellings without written consent from The Group PPC Department.

In order to avoid any keyword matching issues, affiliates must add the following keywords as negative broad match to any and all Paid Search activity:

·         Direct stoves

·         Directstoves

·         Direct

·         Direct

Landing Pages

Affiliates are not permitted to perform direct linking PPC activity to any of our sites; this includes use of any of the site brands within page or search engine display URLs.

Affiliates are prohibited from passing products directly to the shopping basket on our site(s). The action of placing the product in the cart must be instigated by the consumer and take place on our domain.

Site Specific Guidelines

In addition to the General Guidelines outlined previously, when working, affiliates must add the following terms as negative broad match to all PPC activity on any platform:

 {direct stoves + & .com variations}

Unless prior written consent is granted by the Group PPC Department, affiliates are not permitted to bid, or appear, on hybrid brand searches.


{“direct stoves + (product)”, “direct stoves + voucher”, “direct stoves + discount”, “direct stoves + offers”}

Any affiliates found contravening any of the above conditions will be contacted by the PPC & Affiliate Teams and anyone in breach of these conditions may have their commissions declined and face suspension from the programme, Direct Stoves in cases of persistent rule breaking, reserves the right to decline commissions accrued from the activity.