IT Governance

IT Governance

Terms and Conditions

The IT Governance logo is a registered trademark owned by IT Governance Ltd.
It is the face of the company. It cannot be altered or amended in any way.

All products, manuals, advertisements, promotional materials and web pages bearing IT Governance trademark logos should include the following trademark credit line.
"IT Governance is a registered trademark of IT Governance Ltd.”

The credit line may appear anywhere on the collateral, but typically is displayed on a copyright page, the back of a package or at the end of a document or web page.

You may generally use IT Governance trademarks to refer to the associated IT Governance products or services.

No Affiliate is to adopt the IT Governance brand in any way or respect, nor should they pass themselves, or their organisation, off as IT Governance, or as a division or part of IT Governance.

It must be clear to users that Affiliate websites are third-party sites and are not owned or operated by IT Governance. Affiliates must clearly state who they are and that they are an authorised Affiliate of IT Governance. All marketing of IT Governance products must be within the Affiliate’s own website.

Affiliates are not permitted to use the IT Governance name or logo, or any trademarks or trade names registered to IT Governance (or any confusingly similar device), in the header of any website or email communication, except those communications provided by IT Governance as part of the Affiliate Scheme marketing collateral.

Affiliates must not use the IT Governance name to sell other services that they may have in their portfolio.

The protection zone around the logo starts from the solid square and includes the ‘TM’.
The protection zone is defined by using the height of three of the dots of the IT Governance logo in comparison to the size of the image you are using. No other item, be it type or graphics, can be positioned within the protection zone (to incorporate the ‘TM’ symbol).

Should the misuse of IT Governance logo or mark be found to have taken place, appropriate action will be taken to resolve the immediate case and to prevent recurrence.

Serious and/or continuous misuse will give rise to legal action being taken as appropriate.