Weird Fish

Weird Fish

Terms and Conditions

Intellectual Property Rights

  • Affiliates must respect the intellectual property rights of Weird Fish Ltd
  • Such rights include Trademarks and service marks, copyright and related rights, trade names and domain names, right to goodwill or to use it in passing off and rights in confidential information
  • If an affiliate infringes these rights, we may remove them from the programme and may retain any commissions that otherwise maybe due to that affiliate
  • Weird Fish request draft proofs of any copy that is to appear in any offline communications, including and not limited to Press Campaigns

Paid Search Activity

Weird Fish operates a strict policy on PPC activity. The following types of Keywords are restricted for use in any paid search activity of affiliates on the campaign

  • Brand: Weird Fish
  • Extended Brand: eg, Weird Fish Clothing, Weird Fish Ltd
  • Mis-spellings: eg Wierd Fish, Weird Clothing etc
  • Own Brands: Macaroni™

Affiliates are required not to appear on any search results for these Keywords on any ad platform, including Search Engines, Content Networks, Social Media Ad placements etc

In order to avoid any Broadmatching issues, Affiliates must add Weird Fish and as negative keywords for all paid search activity

Affiliates also must not use the Weird Fish Trademark in any paid search activity

Domain Name Restrictions

  • Affiliates are asked not to register domain names which are similar or confusingly similar to the Weird Fish Brand, including Mis-spellings of Weird Fish
  • Affiliates may not put the Weird Fish website into frames or use masked URL's


  • Affiliates may not alter any of the creative or text links available through the Affiliate Window Interface
  • In order to prevent out of date content, affiliates may not hardcode the creative into their sites

Voucher Codes

  • We reserve the right to decline commission obtained through non-authorised voucher codes or expired codes that are promoted when no longer valid. Voucher codes must be accompanied by their terms and expiry date where appropriate.
  • We reserve the right to decline sales from any codes, other than those provided through the AWIN interface.