Garden Wildlife Direct

Garden Wildlife Direct

Terms and Conditions

Garden Wildlife Direct reserves the right to amend and update these Terms and Conditions at any time giving notice of when changes to the terms are made through the programme profile or through a news email.

Garden Wildlife Direct will give a period of seven days’ notice for any changes made to the Terms and Conditions as outlined below.

Where planned site maintenance is due to occur, Garden Wildlife Direct will aim to give a reasonable notice of “down time” in the form of a news email. However, where unplanned maintenance or “down time” occurs, such notice may not be possible. 


The following definitions apply throughout these terms and the affiliate programme:

“Merchant”Garden Wildlife Direct (Merchant ID: 6046)
“Affiliate” or “Publisher”Any entity that participates on the programme as an affiliate party, in connection to the above named merchant.
“Customer” or “User”Any entity that is referred by the affiliate party to the above named merchant website.
“New Customer”A customer who in the past has never made a purchase from the merchant site, or who is returning having not made a purchase within the last 12 month period.
“Returning Customer”A customer who in the past has made a purchase from the merchant site during the last 12 month period.


Commencement and Termination 

This Agreement shall come into force upon your acceptance as an affiliate on the merchant programme and will remain in effect until it is terminated.

The affiliate is entitled to terminate this Agreement at any time by giving notice to the merchant, after which point the affiliate must cease all activity and delete all links to merchant websites and URL’s. The affiliate will not be entitled to any commissions for any referral made after the termination date of the Agreement.

Garden Wildlife Direct reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and/or suspend an affiliate from the programme at any time, giving reasonable notice where possible.

In the event of fraud or suspected criminal activity, the merchant reserves the right to suspend the affiliate from the programme without notice, and/or terminate the Agreement.

Upon termination of the Agreement, the affiliate will acquire no rights to use intellectual property including domain names, text, images, banners, or any other works created by the merchant.


Commission and Payments

Outstanding commissions will be authorised thirty days after they have been submitted. VAT and delivery charges are excluded from commission payments. Any commissions inclusive of VAT and/or delivery will not be validated and a batch process of re-evaluated commission values will be issued. Commission will not be paid on orders that are cancelled or returned within the thirty day period. If a partial return is made, commission will not be paid on those items that have been returned. Partial order commission will be paid manually. If a duplicate order is placed, no commission will be paid against the duplicate order. This will not affect the original order.

The following commission groups apply to the merchant programme:


Customer Type Commission Rate

Existing customer         3% commission (default rate)

New customer               5% commission


New and Returning Customers

The merchant will operate multiple commission groups as outlined in section 1. All commission requests will be allocated to the default commission rate of 3%. Where the customer is deemed new by the merchant when processing pending commissions, a batch amendment will be made and the commission will be set to 5%.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

The merchant participates in trademarked search marketing and does not allow any ppc activity across the affiliate programme. Any affiliate with PPC as the primary traffic generation method will not be accepted onto the programme. Any pending commissions for PPC activity will not be accepted. The merchant reserved the right to suspend the affiliate from the programme without notice any affiliate who uses PPC as a referral method.

Use of Voucher Codes

Affiliates are authorised to promote any voucher code(s) solely provided to them by the merchant. Voucher codes that have been issued to existing customers through other marketing channels (both on and off the page) are not authorised for use through the affiliate programme, except in circumstances where a prior agreement has been made between the affiliate and the merchant.

Where voucher codes are issued by the merchant with expiry dates, these dates should clearly be displayed. When the code expires, they should be removed or explicitly marked as expired by the affiliate. Any affiliate displaying expired codes for use by a customer may be removed from the affiliate programme without notice. Any commissions requested after the voucher code expiry date will not be validated.

The merchant reserves the right to decline any outstanding commissions if a non-authorised voucher code is used by a customer, unless this has been agreed previously by the affiliate and the merchant. Where a non-authorised voucher code has been used through the programme, any outstanding commissions will not be paid.