Oxfam Donations

Oxfam Donations

Terms and Conditions

Programme Terms and Conditions

Oxfam GB requires that their affiliate partners adhere to the following terms and conditions:

1. Commission Payments

  • Oxfam GB reserves the right to decline any commissions that have been generated in a fraudulent or dishonest manner.
  • As supporters of the Affiliate Marketing Council’s Ethical Merchant Charter, should any of your commission need to be declined a reason will always be provided.

2. Content & Brand Guidelines

  • Affiliates may not promote Oxfam GB on sites featuring any obscene or adult content.
  • Affiliates must respect the intellectual property rights of Oxfam GB. These rights include trademarks and service marks, copyright and related rights, trade names and domain names, right to goodwill or to use in passing off and rights in confidential information. If an affiliate infringes these rights, we may remove them from the programme and may retain any commission that would otherwise be due to the affiliates.

3. Creative & Content

  • Affiliates promoting Oxfam GB through email marketing must contact the Affiliate Team for sign off.

4. Paid Search

  • Oxfam GB operates a strict policy on paid search activity. These Terms and Conditions are applicable on any ad platform, including search engines, content networks and social networking ad placements.
  • In order to avoid broad matching issues, affiliates must add Oxfam and Oxfam.org.uk as negative keywords in all paid search activity.
  • Affiliates are not permitted to appear on brand searches, this includes misspells or variations of brand searches & extended brand hybrids e.g. Oxfam or Oxfam Syria Appeal.
  • Affiliate are not permitted to use the Oxfam trademark in any paid search activity (this includes ad text, copy or display URLs).
  • Affiliates also must not send traffic through automatic redirects on a website page.

5. Cashback Sites

  • Due to the nature of the Donation campaign, Oxfam GB does not work with cashback sites.

Anyone found infringing on these terms will be contacted by the Oxfam GB Affiliate Team. Please note anyone found contravening the T&C’s might have their commission declined and face suspension from the programme. In extreme circumstances Oxfam GB reserve the right to immediately suspend any affiliates found contravening these terms and conditions, declining any commission accrued from activity.

De-duplication policy

Oxfam GB operates a 30-day cookie period, rewarding donations from supporters whom return directly to the site after initially being referred by an affiliates. For users returning via any other marketing channel (including but not restricted to PPC, email and display) the sale is de-duplicated and the affiliate will not be rewarded.

The de-duplication will occur at the time of the transaction.

Contact Details

The Oxfam GB Affiliate Team is available to provide assistance and a dedicated support for all affiliates. Please feel free to contact the team if you would like any further clarification or information on the Oxfam GB affiliate programme.
