Travelzoo UK

Travelzoo UK

Terms and Conditions

By becoming an affiliate of Travelzoo (Europe) Limited, you (''Affiliate'') agree to the below:

Affiliate Sites:
Travelzoo will only work with sites that are deemed brand friendly and those that abide by applicable laws and regulations and the guidelines set forth by the IAB and ASA. Sites that contain, promote or are associated with any of the following are not considered brand friendly:

•    Gambling or contraband
•    Explicit adult content or foul language
•    Strong political views or expressed opinions
•    Discriminatory material (on topics such as (but not restricted to) religion, gender, race, age, nationality
•    Illegal material or violence
•    Etc.

Sites should not copy or resemble the look and feel of Travelzoo’s website to give the impression that the Affiliate’s website is a part of Travelzoo.


Overall proposition:
Affiliate will promote the Travelzoo Membership (“Travelzoo Membership”) and/or Travelzoo Local Deals, Getaways, and hotel deals on Travelzoo’s hotel booking platform (“Affiliate Offers”) provided to Affiliate through the Travelzoo feed (or curated). Affiliate will publish and promote the Travelzoo Membership and the Affiliate Offers on Affiliate’s website(s) and Affiliate’s email distributions (“Web Properties”). Traffic will be passed back to to transact. 

Travelzoo will only pay commissions on purchases where the transaction occurs on The Travelzoo feed will only include deals that Travelzoo pay commission on.


Travelzoo will be responsible for Affiliate Offers and Travelzoo feed technology. Affiliate will be responsible for Web Properties and traffic driving efforts.


Commercials & Payment:
For purchases of the Travelzoo Membership, transactions will be validated 14 days from purchase date. For Travelzoo Local Deals and Getaways purchases, transactions will be validated upon voucher redemption (for Local Deals and Getaways), or upon hotel checkout (for hotel deals via Travelzoo's hotel booking platform. Travelzoo reserves the right to reverse commissions if necessary. Refunded, Timed Out or Unsuccessful transactions will not be paid. Travelzoo currently has the following commission groups:

•   Travelzoo Membership: £3 per subscription

•   Voucher deals (Hotels, Getaways, Local Deals): 5% new customers, 2% existing customers
•    Hotel deals via Travelzoo's hotel booking platform: 5% new customers, 2% existing customers
•    Cashback sites: 5% new customers, 2% existing customers

The above commission groups are only for the paid subscription to the Travelzoo Membership and for deals that appear under (excluding Entertainment (Direct Purchase) deals). Travelzoo will not pay out on deals where the transaction does not occur on Travelzoo, such as for Entertainment or ticketing deals.


Paid Search Activity & Cookies:
The below terms and examples are representative of the restrictions imposed on our trademark across paid activity across any ad platform (e.g. search, social media etc). Similar words/phrases, derivatives and differing terminology of the below are considered as breaches of our trademark. 

You must not do the following (unless you have our prior written consent):

•    Force cookies on to users in any form, for example (but not limited to): pop-ups, pop-unders or iframes – Travelzoo will not pay out on forced clicks
•    Bid on any of our trademarked words, extended brand words or misspellings (negative tagging on broad match is encouraged), for example (but not limited to): Travelzoo,, travel zoo, Travelzoo uk, Travelzoo top 20, zoo travel, Travelzoo deals
•    Direct link from paid search activity to the Travelzoo website
•    Use Travelzoo or  any wording that is suggestive of any of our trademarks within any paid activity (be it in the display URL or  text copy)

Affiliates found to be doing this will have commissions put on hold or cancelled until the changes have been made. Repeat offenders will be removed from the program.


Merchants and Advertisers:
All communications and inquiries with Affiliates and Advertiser related to these terms shall be made by Affiliate through Travelzoo, and Affiliate agrees not to communicate directly or indirectly with other Affiliates and other Advertisers relating to these terms.


Content and Brand Integrity:
Affiliate will not change the fundamental attributes of Offers, including (but not limited to) price, experience, Merchant, offer period, and redemption period. Travelzoo reserves the right to remove offers from our feed at any moment’s notice. Affiliate should not try to include offers that have been removed from the feed manually (unless Affiliate has prior written consent from Travelzoo). Any descriptive copy about Travelzoo needs to be checked by Travelzoo in advance. This also applies for creatives. Any solus newsletters need to be viewed by Travelzoo in advance to check.

Travelzoo must be spelled in one word and only with an uppercase ‘T’, NOT with an uppercase ‘Z’.


Neither party will disclose Confidential Information without the other party’s prior written consent. ("Confidential Information") includes the terms outlined, all correspondence between the parties, and click-through rates or other statistics relating to these terms.


GDPR Compliance:
Please note we are only working with publishers are GDPR compliant and we remind you that all publishers are responsible for their own GDPR compliance for data capture and cookies on site. 


Travelzoo reserves the right to remove any affiliate from the Travelzoo program if they are considered to be acting against the interests of Travelzoo or the terms set out within this program. Travelzoo will give written notice prior to the removal.


Voucher Codes:
Travelzoo reserves the right to withhold payment of commission for unauthorised affiliate activity of voucher codes. Promotional activity of Travelzoo voucher codes must be approved by Travelzoo in advance. We appreciate that consumers may use voucher codes that they found via a site other than which is awarded the sale and this will be investigated before decisions on commission payment are made. Any affiliate found to be displaying unauthorised codes may also have their commission set to zero until the code(s) are removed. 

For any questions, please email