JTX Fitness

JTX Fitness

Terms and Conditions

JTX Fitness Affiliate Program Terms



JTX Fitness means NRS Innovations, JTX Fitness, Unit 3 Harbour Way, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, BN43 5HZ  for the purpose of the Affiliate Program

JTX Fitness Trademarks means all trademarks, names and logos registered by JTX Fitness

JTX Fitness Website means www.jtxfitness.com  or any other JTX Fitness website as mutually agreed upon

Affiliate means the party who on the basis of a contractual arrangement displays Products on the Affiliate Website in exchange for receiving remuneration from JTX Fitness  for sales of Products resulting from such display

Affiliate Website means the website(s) of the Affiliate

Affiliate Network means the intermediary party that facilitates the JTX Fitness Affiliate Program

Products means products or services of JTX Fitness

Program Terms means these terms and conditions for the Affiliate Program


JTX Fitness Affiliate Program

  • JTX Fitness has designed an Affiliate Program by which Affiliates who display or market Products on the Affiliate Website with links to the JTX Fitness Website, will receive compensation from JTX Fitness  for sales resulting from such display or marketing, provided the Affiliate complies with the Program Terms as set forth herein.
  • By submitting an application to join the Affiliate Network the Affiliate thereby confirms to have read the Program Terms and agrees to be bound by it.
  • JTX Fitness shall have the right to immediately terminate the Affiliate Program with Affiliate without any compensation due to Affiliate, if JTX Fitness determines, in its sole discretion that Affiliate's actions or the Affiliate Website are inconsistent with the Program Terms.
  • Commission will not be paid if product is returned upon its 28 day money back guarantee. All commission will be set to pending and after 30 days will be confirmed upon completion of sale.


Representatives and Warranties

  • Affiliate represents and warrants that:
  • Affiliate conducts its business via the internet.
  • Affiliate is not in any manner a competitor of JTX Fitness.



  • JTX Fitness will forward links to Affiliate at such frequencies as determined by JTX Fitness in its sole discretion. The links may take the form of banner advertisements, buttons and/or text. JTX Fitness shall provide all information necessary to allow Affiliate to link to the JTX Fitness Website.
  • Affiliate will use only the links on the Affiliate Website as provided by JTX Fitness and in the manner as prescribed by JTX Fitness. Affiliate will not provide the links to third parties or place the links on other internet sites than the Affiliate Website.
  • Affiliate will cooperate fully with JTX Fitness in order to establish or maintain such links. Links shall be prominently displayed at such locations on the Affiliate Website as agreed to by the parties. Affiliate shall not modify or alter the links without JTX Fitness' prior written consent. Links shall not alter the look, feel or functionality of the JTX Fitness Website.
  • JTX Fitness shall have the right to reproduce page views from the Affiliate Website which contain JTX Fitness links for its internal and external use, including, but not limited to, use in traffic reporting to third parties, and in public presentations.

Affiliate Commissions

  • JTX Fitness shall compensate Affiliates for Qualified Sales based on the VAT exclusive Sale Price. The commission shall be paid on Products sold on the JTX Fitness Website up to 30 days from the date the click through is initiated (excluding accessories, reconditioned models and orders paid for via Pay4later interest free credit).
  • "Qualified Sales" shall mean sales of Product via the JTX Fitness Website to users of the Affiliate Website who purchase Product by utilizing the link between the Affiliate Website and the JTX Fitness Website. Qualified Sales are limited to sales tracked by JTX Fitness from the time the link is initiated through the time of sale and excludes: (1) sales which cannot be tracked by JTX Fitness, (2) sales where the user links through the Affiliate Website but then utilizes another Affiliate's link to the JTX Fitness Website prior to sale.
  • Commissions shall accrue upon JTX Fitness' receipt of payment for Product sales. The commission shall be calculated on a monthly basis.
  • JTX Fitness reserves the right to modify the Commission structure upon no less than 7 days’ notice to Affiliate. Commissions earned prior to such notice shall not be affected by such modification.
  • JTX Fitness shall track the Qualifying Sales and will make commission reports available to Affiliate. JTX Fitness may vary the form and content of the reports from time to time. The reports will be updated on a regular basis, which in no event shall be less than quarterly.


Domain Names

  • Affiliates are not allowed to register domains which are similar to or misspellings of JTX Fitness, or with JTX Fitness brand terms or JTX product names contained in the top level domain (TLD) or subdomain.
  • Affiliate URLs must conform to the following acceptable formats:
    • www.yourdomain.TLD
    • yoursubdomain.yourdomain.TLD/JTXFitness
    • www.yourdomain.TLD/JTXFitness.htm
    • www.yourdomain.TLD/JTXFitness
  • The sequence of letters j-t-x-f-i-t-n-e-s-s, or any homonym (such as JTX Fitness) or alternatively punctuated version thereof (such as jtx.fitness) must never appear in the TLD. It may appear in the subdomain or file/folder name where it is the sole component of that subdomain or file/folder name.
  • Any non-compliant URLs displayed in the meta title or meta description must be removed.
  • Display of any URLs by Affiliate must adhere to the rules set out above .
  • Affiliates are not permitted to natural search optimize listings or promotions based on JTX Fitness product names such as Sprint 9, Cyclo 6 etc.
  • Affiliates are not permitted to natural search optimize listings or promotions based on JTX Fitness misspellings.


Paid Search Bidding Rules

  • It is not permitted to bid on JTX Fitness Trademarks in any search engines (search or content networks) or any variation thereof unless previously agreed in writing by JTX Fitness. For the avoidance of confusion, an Affiliate cannot bid on:
  • Brand terms: e.g. JTX Fitness.
  • Semi-branded terms: e.g. JTX Fitness.com, JTX Fitness shop, shop JTX Fitness, JTX Fitness store etc.
  • Brand misspellings: e.g. JTXFitness, JTX.Fitness, JTX-Fitness, JTX_fitness etc.
  • JTX product names: e.g. JTX Pro 50, JTX Sprint, JTX Cyclo, JTX Club-Pro, JTX Freedom Air etc.
  • All Affiliates must adhere to all relevant search engine terms and conditions. Affiliates are expected to update their campaigns/ad copy accordingly in response to any updates or changes to these terms and conditions.
  • Bidding on generic JTX Fitness product related terms (e.g. vibration plates, treadmills, exercise bikes) is allowed.
  • In order to avoid any broad matching issues (and Affiliates appearing on brand + generic keyword searches), Affiliates must add all brand terms and misspells thereof as negative keywords on all match types (so negative broad, negative phrase and negative exact) in all paid search campaigns.


Replication of JTX Fitness Website

  • Affiliates must make every attempt to ensure that they differentiate their landing pages from the JTX Fitness Website to the extent that they do not imitate the JTX Fitness Website.
  • The decision as to whether the Affiliate Website (intentionally or unintentionally) mimics the JTX Fitness Website is made at JTX Fitness’ sole discretion.
  • Affiliates may not put the JTX Fitness Website or any owned microsites into frames or use masked URLs.


Use of the JTX Fitness logo

  • The JTX Fitness logo must be at least 200x52 pixels in size. The JTX Fitness logo on the Affiliate Website must not be distorted or amended, and must not be obscured in any way.
  • The JTX Fitness logo must hyperlink to JTXFitness.com domain through the links on the Affiliate Website.
  • Affiliate shall have no right to otherwise utilize or display JTX Fitness Trademarks without JTX Fitness' prior written approval.


Copy / Text

  • JTX Fitness reserves the right to request changes to the Affiliate Website if any information is deemed factually unsound or detrimental to the JTX Fitness brand. The Affiliate Website may not use images or content that are unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, discriminatory, or otherwise objectionable.
  • Affiliates must ensure they update any copy (eg. Product specification, sale messaging), product prices etc. within 7 days of receiving written warning.
  • All references to JTX Fitness must be made in the third person.
  • Any personal pronouns (such as “we” or “us”) and possessive personal pronouns (such as “our”) must refer solely to the Affiliate, and not to JTX Fitness.
  • If using the term “JTX Fitness” in site copy, the case must adhere to brand format, “JTX Fitness”. Any other variations on this such as “JTXFitness” or “JTX FITNESS” are not permitted.
  • Affiliates should make all reasonable attempts to meet recognised accessibility standards, for example W3C (http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/).
  • JTX Fitness Trademarks cannot be used by an Affiliate in the title, description or display URL of paid search ad texts in any of the search engines.

Further conditions

  • Affiliates are not allowed to send paid or organic search engine traffic directly to the JTX Fitness Website. (For example, 302 hijacks and other such methods of direct linking are not tolerated.)
  • Third parties must refrain from using techniques and other measures that might cause a disadvantage to JTX Fitness or JTX Fitness’ presence in search engines.
  • In all cases it must be clear for everybody using search engines whether they are dealing with JTX Fitness directly or with an Affiliate or other third party. Third parties are still encouraged to use JTX Fitness Trademarks in the description and content of their website, as when explaining to a visitor that they sell JTX Fitness Products (e.g. JTX Fitness products available here). It must however, be clear at all times when the visitor is dealing with JTX Fitness indirectly.
  • Affiliate may not engage in any email activity that is not in accordance with the applicable rules on spam.
  • Affiliate may not employ any technology including, but not limited to, toolbars, pop-ups, pop-unders and pop-overs, to serve messages to shoppers on the JTX Fitness Website when the shopper has not directly linked from the Affiliate Website.
  • Affiliate may not employ any technology including, but not limited to, toolbars, pop-ups, pop-unders and pop-overs, to serve messages to shoppers on the JTX Fitness Website or another Affiliate's or merchant's website, designed to divert them or pull them away from the website he/she is currently shopping.
  • Affiliate may not place links to the JTX Fitness Website in newsgroups, message boards, unsolicited email and other types of spam, banner networks, counters, chat rooms, guest books, IRC channels or through similar Internet resources.
  • Affiliate may not dilute, diminish, blur, tarnish or in any other manner harm the value of the JTX Fitness Trademarks.


  • Indemnification

Affiliate is solely responsible for the development, operation, maintenance and content of the Affiliate Website and hereby agrees to indemnify and hold JTX Fitness harmless from all liability, claims, suits, damages and expenses, including without limitation,
attorney's fees, arising from the development, operation, maintenance and content of Affiliate Website.

  • No Assignment

It is forbidden for Affiliate to assign any of its rights to a third party. Any (attempted) assignment shall be null and void.

  • Disclaimer of Warranties

To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, JTX Fitness disclaims all warranties implied, including, but not limited to a) merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of third party rights, b) that there are no viruses or other harmful components on the JTX Fitness Website or in its links, c) that JTX Fitness’ security methods will be sufficient, d) regarding correctness, accuracy, or reliability, or d) against interference with enjoyment of the Affiliate Website. All information and computer programs provided to Affiliate in the course of the Affiliate Program are provided with all faults, and the entire risk as to satisfactory quality, performance, accuracy, and effort is with Affiliate. JTX Fitness is, under no circumstances, responsible for the practices, acts or omissions of the Affiliate, the Affiliate Website and/or the content on the Affiliate Website.