John Greed

John Greed

Terms and Conditions


Please note that we do not offer cashback/commission on Nomination products.

John Greed operate a closed PPC policy. Affiliates are asked to refrain from bidding on misspellings and variations of the John Greed Jewellery name. Additionally affiliates are asked not to link directly to

PPC - General Terms

John Greed welcome applications from PPC affiliates. However all affiliates must adhere to our PPC policy:

  • Affiliates are NOT permitted to use or bid on any brand terms including misspellings or other variants on all search engines.
  • Unless explicit permission has been given no affiliate is allowed to perform direct linking PPC activity to the website.
  • Affiliates also must NOT send traffic through automatic redirects on a website page.
  • Affiliates are encouraged to promote John Greed Jewellery through the use of generic keywords.
  • We would like to remind you of the dangers of Google's extended/expanded broad match functionality and would strongly recommend including the term ‘John Greed’ as a negative keyword on all campaigns in order to negate the risk of appearing on ‘John Greed Jewellery’ brand terms.
  • NO typosquatting allowed.
  • Please be aware that we carefully monitor paid for search on all competitive keywords and ask for your assistance in this process. Any affiliates found to be bidding on brand terms will be removed from the program and their commissions reversed.For more information, or further clarification contact.

CSS Campaigns - Terms

If you wish to run a CSS campaign please contact the point of contact to clarify the brands that you are permitted to run CSS on before putting a campaign live.