British Gas - Homecare

British Gas - Homecare

Terms and Conditions

British Gas Affiliate Programme Terms & Conditions 
You, (the "Affiliate") have entered into an agreement with Affiliate Window ("Affiliate Window") in connection with your participation in affiliate marketing programs ("Affiliate Agreement"). 
This agreement ("Programme Rules") for the above Merchant sets out additional terms and conditions applicable to the Affiliate’s participation in the above Programme that may modify or supplement certain terms and conditions that Affiliate has agreed to within the Affiliate Agreement. The Affiliate acknowledges that it may participate in the Programme only under the terms and conditions set forth below, and that subsequent to Affiliate entering into the Programme Rules, the Merchant must determine whether or not to accept Affiliate into the Programme 
In consideration of the Affiliate being a member of the Programme the Affiliate agrees with and promises to abide by the following requirements. 
Failure of the Affiliate to so comply shall entitle the Merchant to reject or remove Affiliate from the Programme. 
1. Definitions and Interpretation 1.1 These Programme Rules are supplementary to the Affiliate Agreement and unless the context otherwise requires or the words are expressly defined within the Programme Rules they shall have the meanings given to them in the Affiliate Agreement: 
2. Traffic Generation 2.1. The Affiliate is only allowed to use Brand Bidding, with the Merchants Brand, to generate traffic, in accordance with restrictions presented in the Affiliate Account. In the event that there is any ambiguity then the Affiliate shall seek written approval from Affiliate Window before completing any activity. 2.2. The Affiliate warrants that it shall not use the Merchants Brand to promote any other advertiser. 2.3. The Affiliate shall only use Lead Generation with written approval from Affiliate Window 2.4. The Affiliate shall only use Cashback with written approval from Affiliate Window 2.5. Email Promotion is only allowed with the written approval of the Merchant of each email. 
3. Content 3.1. The Affiliate shall only use the Affiliate Hosted Content provided through the Affiliate Account to promote the Programme. The Affiliate shall not, unless agreed in writing by Affiliate Window: 3.1.1. modify or edit the Affiliate Hosted Content 3.1.2. Create additional content 3.1.3. use the Affiliate Hosted Content for any other purpose than the promotion of the Campaign 3.1.4. place the Affiliate Hosted Content on any website not approved for the Campaign 3.2. All content shall be integrated in the Affiliate Website such that it is dynamically served from Affiliate Window servers and will therefore update automatically when a change to the content is made by Affiliate Window. The use of non-dynamically served content requires the approval of the Merchant and may be subject to additional requirements including, but not limited to, time frames for amending content and accuracy of content. 
4. Validation 4.1. Commission shall be paid for each Transaction that meets the detailed criteria for validation as defined within the Programme Pages within the Affiliate Account.