

Terms and Conditions

Paid search
Affiliates may not bid on or use the word '', ‘myza’, derivatives or misspellings in any way to gain preferential listings on search engines, directories or any other kind of online database. This is expressly forbidden and will result in the termination of an Affiliate's agreement.

Use of voucher codes
Affiliates may only promote codes that are provided through the myza affiliate programme.

We will withhold payment of commission and reserve the right to suspend publishers if non-authorised voucher codes are used in an affiliate sale.

Where voucher codes are issued with an expiry date this should be clearly displayed and codes should be removed or explicitly marked as expired after this date unless you are advised otherwise. Any affiliates displaying expired codes without marking them as being expired may be suspended from the programme.

Domain restrictions
1. Direct linking
Affiliates are not permitted to use any domains owned by myza as their display URL without our express written permission.

2. Affiliate-owned domains
Affiliates are not permitted to use brand terms as a directory, e.g.

Affiliates are not permitted to create domains containing brand terms as a domain or sub-domain, e.g.

Affiliates are not permitted to use voucher codes in their copy.

3. Coupon, discount and/or promotional code websites
Websites offering coupons, discounts and/or promotional codes relating to myza products will not be accepted for the myza affiliate programme. 

5.2% commission is currently paid out on all full priced products only. Commission will not paid paid on any sales where any sort of voucher code is used, even if the affiliate has been approved.

Affiliates may not alter any of the creative or text links available through the Affiliate programme interface without prior written permission.

Out of date/redundant creative, links or using domains including the term ‘myza’ or similar derivatives are expressly forbidden.

Affiliates are also requested not to hardcode banners into their sites, to ensure they have the latest creatives and updates made to myza creatives available through Affiliate Window.