Bulk UK

Bulk UK

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


Bulk will endeavour to make sure your application is considered within 1 week after the date of submission.


Domain Usage

Affiliates are not permitted to purchase, own or bid on any domain names with the brand Bulk, or misspellings of "bulk.com/uk" in the URL.



Affiliates are not permitted to include bulk.co.uk brand terms, or misspelt variations of these brand terms in the subfolders of their website's URL.



Affiliates are permitted to use Bulk brand terms spelt correctly after the domain of their website's URL.





Promoting Bulk via PPC is not allowed outside of any potential exceptions as listed below.



Affiliates should be aware that Bulk may run brand or brand + generic term activity with selected partners, and ask that you please be respectful of these relationships and refrain from bidding on these terms. If you would like to put forward a proposition to Bulk to bid on these terms we welcome this - please send any propositions directly to affiliates@bulk.com


Voucher Codes

Affiliates offering voucher codes on their sites should be aware that Bulk will occasionally offer exclusive voucher codes to selected partners which will not be available to the rest of the affiliate base.

Please take care to respect the exclusivity of the code and not display this via any promotional means unless the code has been issued to you specifically.

Voucher code partners should also be aware that Bulk will provide all codes suitable for affiliate use via email, the Affiliate Window News Manager, the Offers Blog or via their affiliate manager. If an affiliate uses a code not issued for affiliate use then they will have their commissions declined.


Offer & Promotion Communication

Affiliates are not permitted to publicly post or share any vouchers, offers or promotions before their launch date. This applies to promotions and offers that are communicated in advance via the 'News Manager'. Any affiliate sharing vouchers, offers or promotions ahead of the launch date might be suspended from the programme.


IAB Guidelines for Voucher Code Usage

All of our voucher code partners are expected to comply with the IAB Guidelines on the proper use of codes, as laid down by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) in 2009.

A full copy of those guidelines can be found here: http://www.iabuk.net/en/1/onlinevouchercodes.html

Bulk will take responsibility to making sure to issue the most up to date content and offers to its affiliates - however it is the responsibility of the affiliate to keep content on their website up to date, and not to promote any offers which are not valid or are in any way misleading to consumers.


Commission Payments

Bulk is currently focused on stream-lining its validation process. Currently affiliates can expect for all commissions to validated after the passage of 31 days from the date of transaction.

Transaction Queries for sales tracked over 365 days prior to the query being logged will not be reviewed. 


Penalties for PPC Breaches

Affiliates should be aware that AWIN uses tools to monitor PPC activity and will report breaches to Bulk. Breaches of terms and conditions will be subject to penalties and possible suspensions if they are not dealt with in a timely manner.

The policy for dealing with breaches of our Terms and Conditions is outlined below:

If an affiliate is found to be breaking the Terms and Conditions they will be contacted by email by the Bulk account manager and informed of the breach. They will be given 24 hours (one working day) to make the required changes to their site or campaign.

If no response has been received from the affiliate after this time period, the affiliate will be contacted again and commission will be reduced to zero. Please be advised that breaches of Terms and Conditions can and will result in suspensions from the bulk.com programme.



Affiliates may not alter any of the creative or text links available through the AWIN interface.

Affiliates are also requested not to hardcode banners into their sites, so updates made to those available through AWIN may take immediate effect.

In applying for the programme you are agreeing to the above terms and conditions.

Anyone found infringing on these terms will be immediately warned and may have commissions reversed. We reserve the right to withhold commission during this time. Reactivation of your account will be decided on a case by case basis.


Suspensions and Leaving the Programme

Any affiliate found to be breaking the aforementioned Terms and Conditions will risk suspension from the programme and having any Pending commissions declined.

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the affiliate agrees that they will be responsible for removing all reference to the Bulk website and brand from their website or campaigns, including any images, links, product information or logos should they leave or be removed from the Bulk affiliate programme.



If you have any queries at all regarding our Terms and Conditions, please make sure to consult with the Affiliate Window account manager before commencing your promotion.

Please contact: affiliates@bulk.com