Clear Chemist

Clear Chemist

Terms and Conditions

Clear Chemist is a registered NHS pharmacy (GPhC no. 1006026)

PPC restrictions on our account.
BRAND TERMS: No bidding on search terms based on the company name in any variation is permitted This includes, but is not limited to: Clear Chemist, Clear Pharmacy, Clear Online Pharmacy, Goostrey Pharmacy, goostrey online pharmacy and any registered domain names including and Variations or mis-spellings of the Clear Chemist brand name are also not permitted.
Use of the Clear Chemist brand name is not allowed within the ad title or copy.

Affiliates are asked not to appear on brand extension phrases such as ‘Clear Chemist Vouchers’.

Affiliates are asked to add ‘Clear Chemist’ and ‘Clear Pharmacy’ as negative keywords in all paid search activity.

DIRECT LINKING: We do not allow affiliates to direct link from UK paid search campaigns. You are asked to please refrain from using the URL as the display URL in any PPC adverts on UK search engines.  Affiliates wishing to carry out paid search campaigns outside of the UK may direct link.

Any affiliates found to be bidding on these terms will be immediately suspended and commissions zeroed.

For clarification on whether your activity would contravene these terms, or for more information about using ppc to promote Clear Chemist outside of the UK please contact

Affiliates are not allowed to use the Clear Chemist data feeds on Google Shopping

Brand Guidelines

Use of the Clear Chemist name and branding in domain names and website headings on affiliate websites is prohibited.

* Affiliates may not use discount codes not intended for affiliate use, this includes newspaper codes, facebook codes, twitter codes, newsletter codes and on site codes.
* If a sale is made using a non-authorised code through an affiliate site that is actively promoting that code, the affiliate will not receive commission for that sale
* If a sale is made using a non authorised code but the affiliate is not actively promoting it (i.e. the user genuinely acquired the code) then the commission will be paid.
* Affiliates may not promote codes issued specifically to other affiliates. If they do, they will not receive commission on the sale.
* Any commission arising from a loyalty/cashback/reward site will be declined if the customer uses a discount code towards their purchase, that has not been provided or approved by Clear Chemist. All loyalty/reward/cashback sites must make this clear to their customers collecting points/cashback through Clear Chemist.

Pharmaceutical Registration
As a registered NHS Pharmacy Clear Chemist is committed to providing medication and ailment advice by qualified professionals and suitably trained staff.  Affiliates must refer any customers requiring medical advice to Clear Chemist without undue delay.  No attempt at offering medical advice should be given to customers by any affiliates.  

Prescription only medicines are not under any circumstances allowed to be promoted or discounted in anyway.  No commission will be paid on these products.  No products should be advertised as a guaranteed cure for any medical condition.

All advertising and promotional activity for medicines must be legal, decent and truthful and complies with appropriate advertising codes of practice issued by the General Pharmaceutical Council


To find out more contact