

Terms and Conditions

Cancelled Orders 

Any cancelled orders will result in a non-payment of commission.

Commission Exclusions

The commission is not payable for gift vouchers/cards and does not include delivery charges.  Please note that the order value passed through to the system will include the delivery charge however, the commission is not paid on the delivery charge.

Email Marketing

Email marketing must be submitted to your account manager for sign off.

Paid Search

Gardenstone manages its own paid search campaigns. Affiliates are not permitted to promote the Gardenstone brand via paid search campaigns.

Affiliates may only promote affiliate wide offer codes or an exclusive code given specifically to the publisher. Affiliates cannot promote non-affiliate codes or exclusive codes given to other publishers; in these cases commission will be declined.


Affiliates cannot use the display URL of ( including any variation of this.  Any affiliate using this display URL may be removed from the programme.


Affiliates may not alter any of the creative or text links available through the Affiliate Window. 

Anyone found infringing on these terms will receive a warning and may have commissions reversed. We reserve the right to withhold commission during this time. Continuous infringement of these terms will result in suspension. For the avoidance of doubt, we reserve our right to terminate any affiliates by 14 days prior written notice.