Ski France

Ski France

Terms and Conditions

Affiliates are not allowed to promote, or through automatic redirects.

Our PPC Rules,, and Madame Vacances Hotels & Resorts do not allow brand bidding on their affiliate programme. Please ensure that no brand related keywords are used in any paid search campaign.

We have extensive PPC restrictions in place, so please review the PPC section of our terms before embarking on any paid advertising campaigns. Please ensure that no brand related keywords are used in any paid search campaign.

Affiliates are not permitted to bid on any brand terms or misspells, or to include these terms in any search string or display url on any pay per click search engines (including but not limited to Google AdWords, Google Content Network, Yahoo, Overture, Miva, Mirago, AOL search etc.). Examples of prohibited terms include but are not limited to:

Madame Vacances

Eurogroup Holidays

Blue Sea Hotels & Resorts

For the avoidance of doubt, the use of any of the above search terms as either a keyword or in the display URL of any PPC ad, is prohibited.

To ensure that you do not appear on any search strings that include the Madame Vacances brand name, please make sure that the following terms are negatively matched in all PPC campaigns:

Madame Vacances

Ski France

Summer France

Blue Sea Hotels

Affiliates may not use,,, and in the display URL of pay per click adverts.

Anyone found infringing on these terms will be contacted by the Madame Vacances Affiliate Team. Please note anyone found contravening the T&C’s may have their commissions declined and face suspension from the programme. In extreme circumstances reserve the right to immediately suspend any affiliates found contravening these terms and conditions, declining any commissions accrued from the activity.

Please note, Madame Vacances operates a private closed group of affiliates who are permitted to work on key+generic terms (including property names only if for a targeted promotion for example). If you would like to discuss this or inform us that this is your intention, please get in touch.

Use of Voucher Codes

Affiliates may only promote codes that are provided through the Madame Vacances affiliate programme. Only generic codes supplied through the Affiliate Window account are authorised for use by all affiliates.

Codes supplied directly to an affiliate are authorised only for their use.

Madame Vacances reserves the right to withhold payment of commission if non-authorised voucher codes are used in an affiliate sale. We appreciate that consumers may use voucher codes that they have found via a site other than that which is awarded the sale. This will be investigated before decisions on commission payment are made. Any affiliate found to be displaying unauthorised codes may also have their commission set to zero until the code(s) are removed.

Where voucher codes are issued with an expiry date this should be clearly displayed, and codes should be removed or explicitly marked as expired after this date, unless you are advised otherwise. Any affiliates displaying expired codes without marking them as being expired may be suspended from the programme. Please also ensure that you observe all IAB voucher code best practice guidelines.

Site Content

If your site contains, or includes, any of the following, you will not be eligible to join the affiliate programme:

* Hate/offensive/violent content
* Lewd/pornographic content
* Extreme religious or political content
* Abusive or irresponsible promotion of Alcohol, Tobacco or Drugs
* Use of the word "sex" gratuitously or excessively

Anyone found infringing on these terms will be contacted by the Madame Vacances Affiliate Team. Please note anyone found contravening the TC’s may have their commissions declined and face suspension from the programme. In extreme circumstances Madame Vacances reserve the right to immediately suspend any affiliates found contravening these terms and conditions, declining any commissions accrued from the activity.

All terms and conditions are subject to change – please regularly review our profile for updates.