Joop PL

Joop PL


SEM may only be used with express consent. We would like to point out that no protected brand names may be used. This applies to all countries. All brands and their typists must not appear in the ad text or in the visible URL. Direct links are also not permitted.

Voucher, cashback and e-mail campaigns are only permitted by prior arrangement.Price comparators are not permitted.

We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the following advertising activities are expressly prohibited:

  • Setting up so-called click farms, click spamming or DDos attacks
  • Setting a cookie without the customer deliberately clicking on a DesignSkins® ad, so-called cookie dropping/cookie spamming
  • Ad networks with the possibility of forced clicks
  • layer networks
  • sponsor networks
  • Forced clicks
  • Use of coupons not released through our affiliate program


When participating in the affiliate program, the affiliate undertakes not to integrate the banners and text links on pages that:

  • violate applicable law
  • display sexual content
  • Glorify violence or discrimination in any form
  • drugs, alcohol and/or weapons
  • that offer extremist or radical political content