QP Jewellers

QP Jewellers

Terms and Conditions

Program Restrictions

PPC Restrictions: We ask affiliates to please refrain from bidding on the brand name "qpjewellers", "QP Jewellers", "qpjewellers.com", "qp jewellers", "qp jewellery", "QPJ" or confusingly similar misspellings, derivatives or separations of the words, on PPC search engines. Please negative match all possible brand keywords. If you wish to bid on restricted keywords please contact the account manager to discuss.

Voucher Codes: Please only use voucher/coupon/promotion codes which have been issued directly from the account manager or those available via the Affiliate Window voucher system. Affiliates must not feature any other coupon/promotion codes such as those found in, but not limited to, magazines or printed media, nor must publishers cite a URL to a coupon/promotion code anywhere on their website which has not came from the account manager or Affiliate Window voucher system. Commissions on all orders when an unauthorised promotion code has been used will be cancelled.

Product Feed Restrictions: Please do not submit our product feed to Google Base, Become, Ciao, Kelkoo, Nextag, PriceGrabber, PriceRunner, Shopping.com, Shopzilla, TheFind or any other third party feed based comparison site.

TLD Restrictions: Affiliates should not use our company name directly within a TLD (top level domain) as this could be seen as passing off to potential customers. Affiliates are welcome to use our name within a structure.

Example 1: www.yourqpjewellers.com (BAD)

Example 2: www.xyz123456.com/qpjewellers/ (ACCEPTABLE)

Adware/Spyware: The use of Adware and Spyware is strictly forbidden.