

Terms and Conditions

Voucher Codes
Voucher codes promoted must be provided through the Pavers AWIN program. Vouchers are given on both a global and individual basis. Any voucher given on an individual basis must not be used/given to other affiliates on the network. Any transactions with unauthorised codes or any publishers spreading unauthorised codes will have commission from these sales declined. 

Closed PPC policy

No direct PPC is permitted for this program.  Additionally, no sponsored links/PPC ads that use the company’s name Pavers, variations, misspellings or derivates as a keyword or part of a key phrase on any search engine or as a display url. 

De-duplication Policy & Best Practice

Pavers de-duplicate automatically against price comparison.

Pavers agrees, wherever possible, to provide affiliates with reasonable notice period on any significant changes to the campaign.

Please do not register URL’s similar to without the merchant’s consent. Pavers welcomes the opportunity to work with all affiliate types except software application affiliates.  Affiliates must supply a working url in order to be accepted onto the program.

Please do not use competitor names to send traffic to the merchant’s site.

Refunded Orders
Pavers will not pay commission on items or orders which are refunded and reserve the right to cancel commission if the order is fraudulent.

Cancelled Orders
Pavers reserve the right to withdraw commission if we believe than an order has been placed fraudulently or if payment is not received for the order.

Pavers reserves the right to permanently remove any affiliates partners and/or publishers from the Pavers Awin affiliate program, should they be proven to be ‘brand bidding’. 

‘Brand bidding’ is defined as using keywords, triggering search results for Pavers branded keywords and/or any Pavers related keywords e.g. Pavers, Pavers shoes, Pavers Boots etc. (but not exclusively the afore mentioned terms) to drive traffic to the any of the Pavers websites (, &

Should any affiliate and or publisher be proven to have been using and Pavers branded keywords and/or any Pavers related keywords to drive traffic to the any of the Pavers websites (, &, then Pavers will enforce a 3 strike rule. 

The ‘3 strike rule’ is defined as follows; whereby a member of the Pavers Affiliate team will contact any affiliate as and when Pavers deems any affiliate and/or publisher has been ‘brand bidding’, every time an instance of ‘brand bidding’ arises. On the third occurrence of proven ‘brand bidding’, the affiliate and/or publisher in question will then be removed from the Pavers Awin program indefinitely. 

Pavers will be conducting regular surveys of affiliate and/or publisher activity and will, in addition, be using 3rd party ‘brand bidding’ software to identify any affiliate and/or publisher that Pavers deem to be ‘brand bidding’. If we find this happening, all commission during this time frame from the publisher will be declined. 

Pavers also reserves the right to evaluate and review the reinstatement of any affiliates and/or publishers (on a case-by-case basis) that have subsequently been removed from the Pavers Awin program due to ‘brand bidding’.’


Sub Affiliates “Sub Network Jumping” 

In cases where we spot an affiliate under a sub network continuously violating our program T&Cs (brand bidding, promoting unauthorised codes etc..) we will most likely ask the Sub Network to remove them from promoting our brand. In some instances, we have then spotted these publishers moving to another Sub Network to continue this activity after being caught out. In these cases, we reserve the right to contact Sub Networks individually or in bulk to warn them of these affiliates and ask them to not allow them to promote our program.