
BeautyTheShop is a unique online destination for beauty lovers all over the world. We offer more than 12,000 products from some of the most prestigious brands in perfumery and professional cosmetics, with an easy and fast shopping experience.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days

Program restrictions


Affiliates may only promote promo codes provided by BeautyTheShop affiliate team. We reserve the right to void commissions on sales made using unauthorized promotional codes.

Any other copying, modification or redistribution of any part or content of without the prior written permission of BeautyTheShop is expressly prohibited


Commissions may be declined in the following situations:

Customer Behaviour

• Payment authorization failed

• Fraudulent sale

• Returned order or unclaimed shipment

• Repeated (duplicate) order

• Cancelled order

Affiliate Behaviour

• Fraudulent transaction

• Test transaction

Merchant Behaviour/Circumstances

• Test transaction

• Order non-fulfilment


Brands not eligible for commission: Babaria