
We're Second Nature - we help people lose weight sustainably and keep it off - used by the UK's NHS.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


Branding Guidelines

If anyone asks, tell them... Second Nature exists to change minds about losing weight.

Our app uses behavioural science to retrain your mind to make healthy choices automatically, so these stick in the long run.

We also pair you with a registered nutritionist who provides one-to-one advice and supports you to build new, healthier habits.

We want to make losing weight feel easier; to make it feel second nature.

Our Story

We started Second Nature because we were frustrated with the status quo of the weight-loss industry: calorie counting, fad diets, and misleading nutrition advice.

We’re both scientists and after researching the latest nutritional and behavioural-change science, we knew there was a better way: a way to make losing weight feel easier by building healthier habits.

After eight years, we have extensive clinical data validating our programme; not only are we confident that Second Nature is a healthier and more compassionate approach to losing weight, we’ve also shown we achieve more significant and sustainable weight- loss results than other programmes.

Chris & Mike
Founders, Second Nature

Logo Marks

You are permitted to use logo marks supplied by a member of the Second Nature team only

Colour palette

  • Deep blue - Primary colour - #042D49
  • Lilac - #C7B5F0
  • Salmon - #F5B7AD
  • Dawn blue - #6B91CB
  • Turquoise - #26D9D8
  • Light grey - #F2F2F2