Ship It Appliances

Ship It Appliances

Terms and Conditions


  • Affiliates may only use voucher codes that are issued by Ship It Appliances to Affiliates – vouchers issued by other means (eg. email marketing) may not be used. Ship It appliances reserves the right to withhold payment of commission if non-authorised vouchers are used. 
  • Voucher terms and conditions must be clearly displayed on site. Where vouchers are issued with an expiry date, this must be clearly displayed. 
  • Affiliates are not permitted to send any unsolicited email (spam) under this scheme. 
  • Affiliates must maintain current pricing indicated on the product feed.

Creative Rights 

  • Do not alter any creative or text assets available through the Awin interface without approval from the Ship It affiliates team 
  • Affiliates may not do anything with Ship It Appliances content or Intellectual property that may adversely affect their value 


Paid Advertising 

Affiliates may not use paid search to bid on any keywords referencing “Ship It Appliances” or “SIA.” Please ensure these terms are added to negative keyword lists in PPC or Paid Search campaigns. conditions content