Averr Aglow (US)

Averr Aglow (US)

Program Terms

ADVERTISING COLLATERAL 1) USE OF LOGO ASSETS. Media Partners may use the Avver Aglow Logo banners and assets that are available within the AWIN system on their website. Media Partners may not use the Avver Aglow Logo or any other Avver Aglow trademark on stationery, business cards, uniforms, promotional/premium items, or press releases. 


2) PERMITTED FORMS OF ADVERTISING. In general, Media Partners are permitted to advertise Avver Aglow products and services only via a website or in other Internet advertising. All other forms of advertising (including without limitation, television, radio, and print) are strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized by Avver Aglow in writing. 


3) CREATION OF AVVER AGLOW COLLATERAL. Avver Aglow will provide Media Partners with ready-to-use advertising collateral that can be posted on a website or distributed as Internet banner advertising. Such collateral may contain offer expiration dates which must be strictly adhered to. It is the Media Partner's responsibility to ensure that offers are not promoted past any applicable expiration date. 

Per FDA Guidelines, you cannot use the following words when referring to Avver Aglow products or benefits:

Words to Avoid                                          

Instant Results 
Prescription Strength 

Our Key Phrase:

“Helps Heal”

FDA Standards: A cosmetic cannot intend to actually change the skin but rather change the ‘appearance’ of or adorn the skin.

For instance: 

  • “....helps decrease the appearance of fine lines’ rather than ‘gets rid of fine lines.
  • “The main puzzle piece to improve your acne is the right skincare routine.”


Updated: July 2022