

Terms and Conditions

Voucher code sites - Do not promote any unauthorised codes and any sales that come though with an unauthorised code (a code that hasn’t been promoted via Awin) will be declined.

Affiliates must not mislead customers with any copy and be clear on the standard offers of

10% off RRP as standard

25% off the book cover price is given to a school of the customers choice

We share book love because books change lives.

You can share book love too if you have a website, a blog, or a social channel.

Apply to become an affiliate of LoveReading and earn 5% commission when someone buys a book from a link you share. It’s easy and free to join our programme so what are you waiting for?

Our chosen affiliate partner is AWIN. To sign up to our programme with AWIN, click on this link and find out how you can place your links and banners and start earning commission today.

How do affiliate programmes work?

If you have a website and you link to or LoveReading4Kids. (whether that's from a banner or a link), you will get a commission on any sales that your links refer to us. We partner with a network that supplies you with any information you need, tracks everything and automatically pays you commission on every successful sale.

Why Become a LoveReading Affliliate?

LoveReading and LoveReading4Kids are online bookstores that give 25% of the money our customers spend to schools for them to invest in more books.

We are the UK’s leading book recommendation brand: reading, reviewing, shouting about and selling books right across the genres and the age ranges, we exist because books change lives.

Our mission is to get more books in schools, share book love by offering the content, tools, advice and information to help people find their first or their next favourite book.

Every time a customer buys a book from us, 25% of the cover price is donated to a school to help them buy more books for their libraries, encouraging reading for pleasure and delivering better outcomes for our nation’s children.

Book Experts

With millions of titles in our online store, we curate a steady stream of book recommendations for every book lover.


We are very competitive on price with us offering 10% off the RRP on most UK titles. This is before us handing 25% of the sale over the schools.

You can earn commission on completed sales from traffic you send to LoveReading or LoveReading4Kids.

It's Free, Easy to-Use and Transparent

We'll provide you with all the assets you need to promote this offering

You can view sales performance and commission earnings 24/7 by accessing an online dashboard. With strong visibility of performance, you can regularly optimise the links that work best and maximise your revenue. We worry about the rest.

30-Day Cookies

We have a 30-day cookie period which ensures you will be awarded commission for anyone that visits LoveReading or LoveReading4Kids via your website and purchases within 30 days.

Any other questions?

If you're confused about anything or just have further questions, you can contact us on