MP Hotels (US)

MP Hotels (US)

Program Terms

- PPC campaigns are strictly forbidden for any search engine.                                                                                                                               
- Affiliates must NOT register, buy or use domains including the brand name and misspellings that may create the appearance that they are part of MP Hotels.                                                                  
- Affiliates are not allowed to use Pop Ups, Pop Unders, or any other format that is deemed intrusive or use any other cookie stuffing techniques that may force the cookie in the user's browser.              
- Affiliates are not allowed to buy, register or create domains or subdomains which may miss lead users to believe that such site is the merchants brand website.                                                             
- Affiliates are not allowed to supplant by any means the merchant's identity in social media. Affiliate must be easily identified by users in any promotion in social media.                                                     
- Affiliates may ONLY advertise coupon codes that are distributed by the merchant (or AffiliRed on behalf of the merchant). Any sales registered through other coupon codes will not be considered as valid and will be canceled.                                                                                                                     
 - Affiliates are not allowed to promote coupon codes that have not been issued via the affiliate channel.                                                                                                                                                  
 - Affiliates are not permitted to promote the merchant through any toolbar unless they have direct authorisation from AffiliRed on behalf of the merchant.                                                                          
- Incentivised traffic is allowed only from cashback and loyalty/reward affiliates.                                 
- Email Affiliates should contact AffiliRed Team for approval.                                                                 
- Affiliates violating the above T&C will be rejected from the program. If you have doubts regarding the mentioned T&C or you have proposals which aren't contemplated here,                                            

please contact us ( and we will assist you.