Levitex Brand Colours:
- Blue | hex #9fd0e0 rgba(159,208,224,255)
- White | hex #ffffff rgb 255, 255, 255
Levitex products are NOT memory foam and as such please ensure you never refer to our product as memory foam. Memory foam remembers your daytime posture and our proprietary Levitex foam is designed with posture in mind.
It would be incredibly inaccurate to call it memory foam.
Acceptable Brand Names include:
This is to reduce any confusion when posting about us! Please kindly refer to us as either Levitex or Levitex Sleep, but no other variation.
Levitex Logo: Our logo can only be displayed in the colours that they are presented in.
Simply put, please only use our logo against a background in the outlined white or blue colours at the top of this branding guide.