WebHosting UK Com Ltd.

WebHosting UK Com Ltd.

Terms and Conditions

SEM Policy

Please do not bid on the 'WHUK' brand name or any variations of our brand name (including typos).

Bidding on any non WHUK branded keywords such as Web Hosting is allowed. You must make sure the display URL is not a WHUK URL.

Programme Restrictions

Unless explicitly authorised otherwise by WHUK, the following programme restrictions apply:

Affiliates are not permitted to purchase, own or bid on any domain names with the word 'WHUK' or misspellings of 'WHUK' in the URL.

Affiliates must not include WHUK brand terms, or misspelt variations of the same, in the sub-domain of their website’s URL. For example: whuk.domain.com

Affiliates may use correctly spelled WHUK brand term after the domain of their website’s URL. For example: domain.com/whuk

Any affiliates who do not abide by these rules risk having their commissions set to zero and possible suspension.

Landing Pages

Affiliates are not permitted to perform direct linking PPC activity to WHUK website.

Affiliates are prohibited from passing products directly to the shopping basket on our site(s). The action of placing the product in the cart must be instigated by the consumer and take place on our domain.

Unlimited Referrals

Standard Lifecycle