

Terms and Conditions

Aerodrums is a musical instrument brand.

The product may be inexpensive, but it has the reliability, durability and expressiveness required of a musical instrument.

Think "good harmonica" (inexpensive even at pro quality), not "cheap toy drum set".

When you mention Aerodrums in a gadget / tech / novelty / gift themed piece, you must make it clear that the product also offers the value and staying power of a musical instrument:

You can have fun with it. And you can also practice, jam, perform, record, and learn with it. So it is not a toy.

Key phrases

"The best drum set you've never seen" - Clearly positioning the brand as offering a legitimate way to play the drum set

"Now you can drum" - For people who had ruled out playing drums because of how loud and big they are

"Do more of what you love" - For drummers who must make compromises as to when and where they can play (that's 99% of them)

"Do more drumming" - Call to action highlighting the enabling nature of the instrument


Our logo can be shown as black on white or white on black. When using it, please make sure it is clearly legible and entirely visible.

Click to download the Aerodrums logo:

Aerodrums logo on white

Aerodrums logo on black