Stokke CH

Stokke CH

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Folgendes ist nicht erlaubt:

  • Die Nutzung der Marke Stokke, sowie anderer geschützter Bezeichnungen und falscher Schreibweisen in der Keyword Suche von Suchmaschinenen
  • Die Nutzung der Marke Stokke, sowie anderer geschützter Bezeichnungen und falscher Schreibweisen in bezahlten Social Media Aktivitäten
  • Die Nutzung von Gutscheinen, die nicht via Netzwerk kommuniziert oder hinterlegt wurden ist nicht gestattet. Provisionen die durch unautorisiete Gutscheinnutzung entstehen, werden storniert.
  • Sexuell explizite Sprache
  • Diskriminierende, beleidigende oder verletzende Inhalte
  • Pornografische Inhalte
  • Positive Darstellung von Drogen, Waffen oder Gewalt
  • Jugendgefährdende Inhalte


Les restrictions suivantes s’appliquent pour la promotion de nos produits avec le search engine marketing (SEM/SEA/Adwords) :

  • le brand bidding, c’est-à-dire les offres sur les mots-clés „Stokke“ et „Stokke®“ sont interdites
  • cela s’applique expressément aussi pour toutes les autres orthographes (erronées) et les combinaisons de mots-clés
  • les restrictions s’appliquent pour tous les systèmes de keyword advertising, surtout Google AdWords et Bing Ads
  • l’offre par mots-clés génériques en utilisant votre propre domaine comme URL d’affichage est autorisée


The following is not allowed:

  • Use of the brand Stokke, as well as any other protected trademark in the keyword search, including the misspelling of Stokke in all common search engines. 
  • Use of the brand Stokke, as well as any other protected trademark, including the misspelling of Stokke in any paid activities on social media networks.
  • Sexually explicit language 
  • Offensive, cursing and violating language in any form 
  • Sites that display content that may be deemed pornographic or offensive
  • Positive relations to drugs and weapons 
  • All kinds of discriminating content in any form 
  • Content that can damage kids
  • Violence in any form
  • Paidmails & E-Mail-Marketing 
  • Voucher & Cashback Publisher
  • Websites offering cashback, sites offering discounts, vouchers, rebates, etc.
  • The use of vouchers that were not communicated through the affiliate network and are thus not meant for the affiliate department
  • Websites that are 'under construction'
  • Websites that generate 'error' notices
  • Websites lacking individual content (doorwaypages)
  • Automatic re-direct pages
  • Websites that do not allow access to and an inspection of their content

These are only general guidelines, and we reserve the right to make exceptions.
All advertising material must be implemented dynamically to ensure that the promotion displayed for Stokke is always up to date. The advertising material is only to be used on the affiliate site registered for the affiliate program. It is only allowed to use the advertising material available on the affiliate network. Altering any advertising materials is not allowed unless explicit approval by the Stokke affiliate team was granted. In the case of a violation of the guidelines, the partnership will be terminated immediately, and we reserve the right to take legal action.

If you would like any further information or wish to give us feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our Affiliate Team will be happy to help. 

We wish you a lot of fun and success with Stokke.
Your Stokke Affiliate Team

Sabine Maronn
Affiliate Manager 
Tel.: +49 89 4111 850 57
adamicus GmbH
Blumenstraße 28, 80331 Munich, Germany