Voucher Codes
- You may only promote voucher codes that are issued through the Russell Hobbs affiliate programme.
- An expiry date must be shown and then removed or marked as expired once the expiry date has passed.
- Some codes may not be in the public domain and these should not be used unless it is agreed in writing by Russell Hobbs.
- Russell Hobbs reserves the right to withhold payment if a voucher code has been used that is not approved or expired.
- Voucher codes cannot be used in conjunction with cashback unless it is approved through the affiliate programme or explicitly agreed otherwise.
- Cashback cannot be used for purchases made for the purpose of resale, or for business use.
- Cashback cannot be used in conjunction with voucher codes unless it is approved through the affiliate programme or explicitly agreed otherwise.
- Russell Hobbs reserves the right to withhold payment if a cashback transaction breaches the terms.
Paid Search and Advertising
- Affiliates are not entitled to use paid search advertising or to bid on any keywords with reference to:
- “Russell Hobbs” or similar misspellings such as “Russel Hobbs”, “Russel Hobs”, “Russell Hobs” etc.
- Use of extended words such as “Russell Hobbs voucher”, “Russell Hobbs voucher codes”, “Russell Hobbs codes” etc.
- “mda.russellhobbs.com”
- Affiliates must add these as negative keywords in all paid search activity.
Creative and Content
- Affiliates may not alter any of the creative or text links available through the Awin interface.
- Affiliates must respect the intellectual property rights of Russell Hobbs MDA and Product Care Group.