Really Wild

Really Wild

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions


1. Affiliate Approvals

 All affiliate approvals will be processed within 45 days. 

Really Wild works together with sites that reflect the brand values of the company. We do not work with inappropriate sites deemed offensive, illegal or containing adult content. 

Brand bidding is totally forbidden (keyword & mispellings) 

In order to work only with quality traffic is not allowed to communicate campaigns through Site Under. 


2. Commission Rates

CPA basic commission of 15% 

Payment term: 30 days from the Invoice Date 


3. Transactions

Transaction value that commissions are paid on do not include VAT or sales tax. Other transaction values that commissions are paid that are not included are gift wrapping, credit card fees, delivery charges and other service charges. 

Please note that commissions can be declined if (1) an order is cancelled (2) an item is returned (3) a customer failed credit check (4) there is a breach of programme terms and conditions (5) a duplicate order (6) item is out of stock (7) the sale has been attributed to a different channel 

*Tracking period: 30 days post click 


4. Voucher Codes

All voucher codes issued must be promoted on the site in which the affiliate has agreed upon, and may not be promoted elsewhere. If so the affiliate will be declined commission and/or removed from the programme. 



5. Creatives & Landing Pages

Really Wild Clothing will provide affiliates with the necessary creatives. Affiliates may not alter any of the creative or text that is provided. Branding regulations must be met. Affiliates must use only the provided logos and never create or alter the logo in any way. In the case you want to publish a “free” and “original created” content and/or to modify any piece, you need a previous approval from Really Wild Clothing appointed contact for  AWIN. 

Affiliates cannot mislead consumers into passing themselves off as Really Wild Clothing and cannot directly link on any search engine.  


Product feeds will be updated and exported on a weekly basis. Any feed requirements must be shared with Really Wild Clothing. Affiliates are requested to make every effort to maintain the most current pricing information in their promotions. 



7. Termination

Either party may terminate the contract at any time for any reason with 7 days provided in written notice.  

Affiliates who breach any of the above will face suspension from the programme and be declined of all commissions.


If you have further questions or would like more information, please contact us at: