Company presentation
Back Market isn't just any old e-commerce platform; it's a marketplace whose mission is to give customers little to no reason to buy new products from their favourite brands like Apple, Samsung, Sony, etc. Back Market sells electronics that have already been used and then refurbished by the pros. The refurbished products include: smartphones, computers, game consoles, tablets, household appliances, and more.
The quality of products from Back Market is comparable to that of new products. Items are cheaper and buying on Back Market means contributing to the reduction of electronic waste.
Our platform brings together more than 1500 hand-picked affiliate refurbishes. Back Market works only with certified professionals.
We already sold refurbished products to more than 6 millions of customers in our 16 countries where we operate at the moment (status in February 2022).
According to a study by ADEME, buying a refurbished smartphone saves the following amount of environmental impact compared to buying a new smartphone:
Important client information
Price: Back Market products are 30% to 70% cheaper than new products. Prices can vary between products, condition and refurbisher
Quality: The 1500 refurbishers on the platform are certified professionals and we foresee all their operations as stated in our quality charter to ensure a high level of reliability.
Warranty and retraction period: each product on the platform is delivered with a 1-year warranty and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Some products come with even longer warranties.
Remember to always:
Our goal is to encourage clients to take part in the refurbished movement → don’t hesitate to include interesting facts and insights about circular economy, planned obsolescence and sustainable living
Include product variety → you know best what kind of products interest your clients the most but don’t forget that we offer more than just smartphones, laptops and tablets
We are talking about a serious topic but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun while doing so, as a company we like a good joke so don’t hesitate to keep the topic light and entertaining
Please avoid:
pushing for sales by placating low prices and special deals à we don’t want to encourage users to buy products that they don’t actually need, refurbished is supposed to be an alternative to new, not an extra
Blackmarket à Back Market
The products are up to 70% cheaper than new → don’t forget the last part
Do not use the word “certified” (certifié)
do not use the claim “comme neuf (like new)”, or “remis à neuf”, or any description of a refurbished item involving the word “new”
Do not use the claim “% moins cher (% cheaper)” without making a clear reference to new. For instance, you can claim “% moins cher que le neuf” or “% off vs. new”
When claiming “up to 70% off vs. buying new”, make sure that the consumer can see that a significant portion of items are indeed 70% cheaper.
Do not use reference prices (prix barrés / crossed out reference prices) without specifying that the reference price is the one of the “new item”. When possible, indicate the origin of this reference price (i.e. the manufacturer's recommended new price or the price observed in main distributors websites)
Do not use the word “discount” or equivalent when you want to express the price difference between selling price on Back Market and the price of a new item. Back Market is not a discount store.