EPCs, Gas Safety Certificates and Electrical Check

EPCs, Gas Safety Certificates and Electrical Check

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Please read the following and tick the agree box: However if you do not agree and therefore want to cancel your order close down your web browser or navigate away from the Energy Performance Certificates website.

8.1 You agree to adhere to all applicable laws, regulations and codes of conduct when using the energyperformancecertificates.co.uk website. You agree not to:

  • Damage, interfere or disrupt the website or access to the website;
  • Gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access by any means to any restricted ECO Approach Ltd. networks or systems;
  • Make available, upload or distribute on the energyperformancecerticates.co.uk website any materials or files that contain viruses or any other harmful software;
  • Use the website to send unsolicited material for any purpose.

Although ECO Approach Ltd endeavours to ensure the contents of this website is correct it shall not be liable for any damages arising in contract, tort or otherwise from the use of or inability to use this site, or any material contained within it, or from any action or decision taken as a result of using this site or any such material.

Please note that any links to external websites are provided for information and convenience only. ECO Approach Ltd does not accept responsibility for the sites linked to, or the information found there. A link does not imply an endorsement of a site; likewise, not linking to a particular site does not imply lack of endorsement.

We reserve the right to withdraw a link or refuse to link to any website without providing an explanation or justification.

For the purpose of these terms and conditions any reference to 'property certificate' means any service ECO Approach carries out including but not limited to: EPCs, Electrical Safety Checks, Gas Safety Checks, Boiler Servicing, Asbestos Surveys, Fire Risk Assessments, Air Tightness Testing, Sound Testing and water usage calculations.

'Fieldworker' means any trained property professional that has been instructed to carry out the requested service including but not limited to: Energy Assessors, Electricians, Gas Safe Engineers and building surveyors.

Payment Terms and Conditions

  • Payment
    • Goods must be paid for in advance, whether using online credit card processing facilities or paying via telephone with a credit/debit card.
  • Your Obligations
    • You agree to ensure that the information that you supply to us in the order including without limitation details of the property is complete, accurate and up to date. You will notify us immediately you become aware of any inaccuracy contained within the order.
    • You agree that any order that we may deliver to you is delivered on the understanding that it is only for your use and for the purpose that you have disclosed to us.
    • Pre-arranged appointments with the fieldworker are taken on the understanding that an adult will be present at the appointment time. If the fieldworker is unable to obtain access to the premises within 15 minutes of the appointment time, then a service charge of £50 is payable for re-booking the service. A result of this may also be a delay in the production time of your Order.
  • Liability
    • We cannot accept any liability for any error in a property certificate which is based on any error or inaccuracy in a public register. Nor will we be liable for any information contained within a property certificate, which is based on information that we have obtained from a third party (not being information derived from the public register).
    • You agree that if you note an error within the certificate either with the rating, recommendation or address you will highlight this within 1 month of instruction of the service. After this date we are unable to make amendments
    • We cannot accept any responsibility for any inaccuracy or error in the property certificate that is based on incomplete or inaccurate information supplied by you.
    • Subject to any other provisions in these Conditions, we will not be liable to you for any loss,damages, costs or expenses caused directly or indirectly by a delay in delivery to you (even if caused by our negligence).
    • We will not be liable for any loss of actual or anticipated profits or savings, loss of business, loss of opportunity or for any special, indirect or consequential loss whether arising from a breach of these Conditions or negligence in performing the Services even if we were advised of or knew of likelihood of such loss occurring.
    • Our entire aggregate liability to you for direct loss arising from our being in breach of these Conditions or negligent in the course of performing the Services will not exceed the cost of the Service.
    • If ordering an EPC, by placing an order you are confirming that you require us to complete an EPC and replace any in date and active EPCs that may exist, even if no changes have been made to the property.
  • Pricing
    • All prices include VAT where applicable.
    • The website prices quoted are for properties anywhere on the mainland of England and Wales.
    • Payment is due from you on submission of your order for the service of our fieldworkers and if we do not receive payment from you on order, we reserve the right to cancel your order and terminate our services forthwith.
    • The fee for residential EPC’s is fixed for buildings that are less than 150m2, regardless of the number of bedrooms. For larger buildings a quote must be obtained prior to booking. Should we attend a property that is larger than 150m2, an additional fee may be requested before we can lodge the report.
    • Pricing for EICRs is based on the property having the same amount of fuse boards as selected on the order form. If there are additional fuse boards on site then these will be charged at an additional £100 per board. The price covers a maximum of 10 circuits per fuse board, additional circuits are £20 each. 
    • We do not send payment receipts or booking confirmations by post. Payment confirmation will be sent to the email address you provided. A receipt will be available for you to print when you log on to the customer area on our www.energyperformancecerticates.co.uk website.
    • The method of payment will be as agreed between us.
    • Following receipt of payment, the allocated fieldworker will confirm acceptance of the booking to the client via telephone to the contact number provided.
    • If your Instruction is made under false pretence an additional fee may be due and the certificate will not be issued until we receive receipt of said additional fee.
    • ECO Approach Ltd acts as an agent on your behalf when paying fieldworkers
    • You are responsible for paying the fieldworker.
    • ECO Approach Ltd is authorised by you to pay the energy assessors on your behalf
    • You are aware that the services are to be provided to you by a third party
    • The amount recovered from you is exactly the same amount as paid to the energy assessors
    • The services paid for by ECO Approach Ltd are clearly additional to the ECO Approach Ltd ’s own supplies
  • Acting as an agent
    • ECO Approach Ltd act as an agent in placing the instruction for the completion of an EPC or other product, for facilitating this process we charge a booking fee. ECO Approach Ltd are responsible for taking and holding the payment for any service instructed and will disperse the funds accordingly only after receiving notification that the instruction has been successfully completed by the assigned fieldworker. By agreeing to these terms you accept that any contract formed by making a payment will be between yourself and the assigned fieldworker.
  • Cancellation
    • Should you wish to cancel or re-schedule an order, you agree to give us as much notice as is reasonably practicable. However, you will not be entitled to obtain a refund of the service fee if you cancel on or after the confirmation of order.
    • We reserve the right to cancel any instruction after the confirmation of order. We are not obligated to inform the client of our reason for cancellation, we will do our best to provide as much information as possible. In this unlikely event, the client will be contacted directly by a member of staff to discuss a refund.
    • Should we attend a pre agreed appointment and not be provided access for any reason, you will be liable to pay a call out fee before another appointment can be made. This fee will be in alignment with the value of the service and costs encountered by Eco Approach Ltd. If you do not want to rebook the appointment, any refunds requested will be subject to a cancellation to cover the costs of the missed appointment.
  • Complaints
    • If you want to make a complaint, we will deal with it speedily and fairly. We will: Acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt and try and resolve your complaint fully within 4 weeks of receipt. If there are valid reasons for consideration of the complaint taking longer, we will keep you fully informed in writing or via telephone or email as you prefer and you will receive a response at the very latest within 8 weeks.
    • If you are unhappy with our final resolution of your complaint then we recommend you approach The Citizens Advice, Trading Standards or seek independent advice. Complaints should be sent to: ECO Approach Ltd, Provident House, Burrell Row, Beckenham, BR3 1AT Phone: 020 3397 8220 Email: complaints@energyperformancecertificates.co.uk
  • Data and Personal Information
    • On placing an order, you agree to the following information being provided to a third party contractor assigned by us: Name, Phone number, Address, Email address, Tenants/Agents phone number (If applicable), Key Safe code (If applicable)
    • If you are placing an order on behalf of someone else, you confirm that you have permission to do so.
    • On completion of an order you agree that your information will be kept on file for the foreseeable future.