Ordnance Survey

Ordnance Survey

Terms and Conditions

OS Maps Subscriptions

Commission on auto-renewing subscriptions is paid to subscriptions remaining active for 30 days or more. Subscriptions cancelled in the first 30 days will not qualify for commission


Voucher codes

Commission will only be approved on voucher codes that have been provided to affiliates for this affiliate programme, or that are shown on the site, such as on the 'offers' or 'bulk discounts' pages.

PPC bidding terms

Ordnance Survey does not allow any affiliates to bid on brand terms, nor are affiliates allowed to use these within a display URL in any PPC advertising. This also includes misspellings of the brand. Any affiliates found to be doing so will have commissions declined and may be removed from the programme.

This includes (but is not restricted to) the following terms:

  • Ordnance Survey
  • OS
  • Explorer
  • Landranger
  • OS Maps
  • OS getamap
  • OS MapFinder
  • Ordinance Survey
  • Ordnance Survey maps
  • Ordnance Survey mapping
  • OS Explorer map
  • OS Landranger map
  • OS custom made maps
  • Ordnance Survey Explorer map
  • Ordnance Survey Landranger map
  • Ordnance Survey walking maps

Google Shopping

Advertising on Google Shopping is not permitted unless agreed on an individual basis

Email policy

You are not permitted to send any unsolicited email ("spam") under this Affiliate programme. This is extended to include all forms of spam including blog comment spamming.

Voucher codes terms

If you are a voucher code site you must not have any misleading copy suggesting there are codes when none exist. We are happy for you to feature special offers, but the phrasing of the button and copy you supply directing customers to the site must be clear.

Use of the Ordnance Survey Logo

Affiliates are not permitted to use the Ordnance Survey logo without express permission from Ordnance Survey and only a logo supplied by Ordnance Survey may be used.