
Again Faster Equipment was founded in 2006 during the emergence of the functional fitness training movement and quickly became one of the leading strength and conditioning equipment providers, with unique designs and excellent customer service.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days

Terms & Conditions 

Commission is payable on a confirmed and despatched order. Canceled orders and duplicate orders will not be validated. All new customer information remains the property of Again Faster EU and may not be used by the Affiliate partners to remarket our products without express, written permission. 

Again Faster EU reserves the right to withhold commission pending inquiry on any suspicious transactions and also reserves the right to determine what qualifies as suspicious. Commission is only paid out on full-priced products excluding third-party products. Orders that use a discount code that is not specific to the affiliate will be rejected. 


Affiliates must update ad copy that features in search engine page results to ensure it is consistent with the latest Again Faster EU product descriptions and prices which can be found at All ad copy must specify the Again Faster EU franchise and logo and not include any other references or creative from another Again Faster franchise. 

All content published must be unique and an accurate reflection of the Again Faster brand and product catalog. No content can be copied and pasted from the Again Faster EU website or any other Again Faster Franchises. If you need support with copywriting, please contact the team by emailing  

If you link directly to the Again Faster EU website you must declare this to your contact at Again Faster EU in advance. All non-affiliate links will need preapproval to determine whether these need to be tagged with a rel=nofollow tag 

Pay Per Click 

‘PPC’ refers to any and all adverts which are run on a pay-per-click basis. This includes, but is not limited to, Google AdWords, Google Shopping, Bing Ads, Bing Shopping, Yahoo, remarketing adverts, RLSAs and any other search engines. 

Please be advised that brand name bidding restrictions apply to the Again Faster EU program. 

Affiliates are requested not to bid on brand or brand plus generic terms or ANY derivation or misspelling. 

Affiliates are also not allowed to bid on terms where Again Faster EU appears in the organic listings in the top 5 on generic terms and never above their own PPC activity. To avoid broad match issues please contact your affiliate manager. 

Affiliates are requested not to use any domain owned by Again Faster EU as their display URL for PPC. This includes but is not limited to  

Affiliates wishing to promote Again Faster EU via PPC through use of a landing page must first contact us. PPC affiliates who apply for the Again Faster EU program without first getting in touch to discuss their promotion may find that their application is declined. 

Affiliates found contravening these terms may have their commissions declined and face immediate suspension from the program. 

You must never use Again Faster EU URLs as your display URLs in your Paid Search ads. 

Social Media 

Hijacking or intercepting interactions between Again Faster EU and its customers is forbidden. 

Affiliates must not use bots or scripts to increase followers and engagement. 

If you wish to tag Again Faster EU in a post you must ensure that you do not identify yourself as being an ‘affiliate’ or associated with Awin. 

Again Faster EU reserves the right to disassociate with any Affiliate that incorrectly represents the brand on social media or any other channel.  

If posting pictures of Again Faster EU products, Affiliates should always try to ensure that other brand names are not included in the pictures. Any Affiliate deemed to be flouting this guideline will be contacted by Again Faster EU to review their status on the network. 

Affiliate can only use social media to target their own organic audience and should not target the Again Faster EU organic social media audience.  


Domain Restrictions 

Affiliates must not register domains that are similar or misspells of our brand name, any activity of this kind on the campaign will result in commissions being declined and retrieval of the domain. 



Affiliates are requested to use only creative available within their affiliate account in their promotion of Again Faster EU. Please contact us via if there is an additional size that you require. 

Affiliates must regularly check the Again Faster EU creative to ensure that any banners being used are up-to-date.  

If any creative published on your website or social media profiles is not deemed to be in keeping with the Again Faster EU brand then you will be asked to remove or edit this immediately. Please ensure that all creative is displayed in high-resolution format and is in no way distorted.  

All creative must refer to Again Faster EU and not include any logos from another Again Faster brand.  

Notice & Action 

Affiliates agree to action and remedy any request that brings them back in accordance with the Again Faster EU program terms in no less than 3 UK working days. Exceptions to this rule are at our discretion and must be confirmed in writing. 

Breach Of Terms 

Again Faster EU reserve the right to withhold commission payments to any affiliate found to be in breach of these terms. 

Discounts & Vouchers 

Commission is not paid out on discounted products or orders that use a discount code which is not specific to the affiliate. Commission is not paid on third-party products.

Expired discounts and vouchers must be removed from your website upon the day of expiry. 

Expired discounts and vouchers must not be communicated in any means or form to consumers. 

Only official discounts and vouchers communicated to Affiliates directly by Again Faster EU in writing may be promoted by an affiliate. 

Discounts and vouchers may not be promoted as being eligible to be combined with another form of discount, voucher or cashback unless explicitly stated by Again Faster EU. 

Voucher codes are not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. 

Again Faster EU reserves the right to pause the Affiliate program during a sitewide promotion.  

Validations Of Sales With A Voucher Code 

In order to help monitor affiliate use of voucher codes, Again Faster EU has implemented Awin’s voucher code tracking. This allows individual codes used within a transaction to be listed next to each order number. 

Again Faster EU reserve the right to decline any sales that have been tracked with an unauthorised voucher code whether this code was promoted on the site or not. 


Inactive Affiliates 

Affiliates who fail to promote Again Faster EU in some form and capacity or fail to register a click within any 60-day period may be removed from the program without notice. 


Brand Ambassadorship 

By joining the Again Faster EU Awin Affiliate Network, Affiliates are presumed to have read and understood the Again Faster EU brand terms and to promote the brand with high esteem and diligence to ensure these terms are enforced at all times