Wallis UK

Wallis UK

Terms and Conditions



If you wish to run any Google Shopping or PLA activity, please contact us first. Any affiliate seen to run Google Shopping or PLA activity on brand terms without permission could receive 0% CPA until the matter is resloved.


Affiliates are requested to use only creative available within their affiliate account in their promotion of Wallis. Please email uk-wallis@awin.com if there is an additional size that you require.

Affiliates are requested not to hard code banners into their sites so that updates made to the creative available through Awin will automatically have immediate effect. Wallis launch a new set of banners each season and also provide promotion banners on an ad hoc basis.

PPC Policy
Please be advised that brand name bidding restrictions apply to the Wallis programme.

Affiliates are requested not to bid on brand or brand plus generic terms or ANY derivation or misspelling; ie: Wallis, Wallace, wallis fashion.

Affiliates are also not allowed to bid on terms where wallis appears in the natural listings in the top 3 on generic terms and not above their own PPC activity. To avoid broad match issues please include restricted terms as negative keywords in all your PPC campaigns for wallis.

Affiliates are requested not to use any domain owned by Wallis as their display URL for PPC. This includes but is not limited to www.wallis.co.uk and www.walis-fashion.com. For more information please email uk-wallis@awin.com 

Affiliates wishing to promote Wallis via PPC through use of a landing page should first contact the account management team. PPC affiliates who apply for the Wallis programme without first getting in touch to discuss their promotion may find that their application is declined.

Affiliates found contravening these terms may have their commissions declined and face immediate suspension from the programme.

Domain restrictions
Affiliates are asked not to register domains which are similar or misspells of our brand, any activity of this kind on the campaign will result in commissions being declined and retrieval of the domain.

Voucher Codes
Affiliates are only allowed to promote codes that are released vis the affiliate channel. Any affiliate found to be taking codes from any other marketing channel will face having all commissions declined and a suspension from the wallis program.



Affiliates may only run activity on a negative brand match when running activity for Dorothy Perkins. If you have not been given permissions to promote with a positive brand match then you will receive 0% commission until the matter is resolved.


We also ask all CSS publishers to apply negative brand match to any Boohoo Group brands including the following terms:


boohoo, boo hoo, bohoo, bhoo, boho, booho, boohooman, boohoo man, boo hoo man, pretty little thing, prettylittlething, nastygal, nasty gal, karen millen, coast, oasis, warehouse, misspap, miss pap, burton, wallis, dorothy perkins, Debenhams



Wallis will only work with subnetworks who are transparent about their traffic sources.