Heathrow Airport Parking

Heathrow Airport Parking

Terms and Conditions

  • Please be aware that Affiliate commission is not awarded until the customer has completed the use of the service.

Terms and Conditions

Affiliates are not allowed to bid on branded keywords. This refers to any search strings containing any Heathrow company trademarked terms or any variations thereof.

Heathrow companies include:

Heathrow Airport Limited
Heathrow Enterprises Limited
Heathrow Express Operating Company Limited
LHR Airports Limited

Please add relevant terms and variations (e.g. below) to your negative keywords in order to avoid any confusion:

Heathrow airport
Heathrow express

Affiliates should not appear on Brand + Generic search terms, e.g. “Heathrow voucher code” and “Heathrow parking”.

Affiliates are not permitted to use Heathrow brand terms or variations within their display URLs, e.g:


Affiliates may only promote Heathrow voucher codes that have been released by the agency or Affiliate Window.

If affiliates are found to be in breach of any of the above, they will be suspended from the programme and all commissions removed.