

Terms and Conditions

PPC Restrictions 

Bidding on Georganics brand terms, including misspells is strictly prohibited on all search engines. Any affiliates found to be bidding on brand terms will be removed from the program and commission generated on these sales will be declined.

Affiliates are prohibited from using brand/trademark with generic terms and should use Georganics as a negative keyword. Please add: Georganics, and as negative keywords.


Google Shopping Restrictions

Affiliates are not permitted to promote Georganics products on Google Shopping.


Display URLs

Affiliates cannot use the display URL of ( or any variation of this including misspells. Affiliates are prohibited from using trademark terms as a subdomain in their URL e.g. Affiliates can use trademarks and brand terms on their own website as a sub folder of the display URL e.g.


Voucher code use
Affiliates may only promote codes that are provided through the Georganics affiliate programme (either through our account or directly from the Georganics team).

Georganics reserves the right to withhold payment of commission if unauthorised voucher codes are used in an affiliate sale. Any affiliate found to be displaying unauthorised codes may be suspended until the unauthorised codes are removed.

Where voucher codes are issued with an expiry date this should be clearly displayed, and codes should be removed or explicitly marked as expired after this due date unless you are advised otherwise. Any affiliates displaying expired codes without marking them as being expired may be suspended from the programme. Please also ensure that you observe IAB voucher code best practice guidelines.



You agree not to alter any of the creative or text links available through the AWIN interface.


Please note that any Affiliates found to be in breach of our Terms and Conditions may have their commissions declined and may be suspended or removed from the programme.