Billion Dollar Beauty (US)

Billion Dollar Beauty (US)

ID | 22999


Billion Dollar Beauty is a problem/solution company that aims to provide sustainable solutions to everyday beauty products. BDB provides easy-to-use, accessible and affordable products for all.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


Billion Dollar Beauty Brand Guidelines Include:

  • Brand bidding along with permutations is not permitted on any search engine.

  • Affiliates may not use “TM” or “official” in advertisements.

  • Affiliates may not use the brand “Billion Dollar Beauty” or any permutation of it in your URLs.

  • Affiliates may not direct link to Billion Dollar Beauty website, if using PPC.

  • Affiliates must use Creative assets provided in the AWIN affiliate program admin. Creative assets and user generated content not found in the program must be approved by Billion Dollar Beauty

  • The look and feel of webpages must be unique and not mimic Billion Dollar Beauty web properties to prevent confusion to the visitor.

  • The Affiliate cannot own a domain which includes "Billion Dollar Beauty" trademark or registered trademark. 

Please reach out to the Billion Dollar Beauty affiliate management team for questions about brand guidelines or custom creative assets requests.
