
Hét #1 spel voor meer saamhorigheid. Het doel van Vertellis is om wereldwijd de saamhorigheid te verbeteren door - juist in onze haastige samenleving - goede gesprekken en offline tijd met elkaar te stimuleren.


Toewijzingslengte (cookietijd)

30 Dagen


If you want to work with us on a PPC level, we would like yout to get in touch with julia@vertellis.com to sign off the campaign. Only after written approval of Vertellis we will pay out the commission, without our approval we will not pay commission. All PPC campaigns need to be signed off.

If you are a discount code publisher please get on touch with julia@vertellis.com with your proposal. In generally we do not want to work with discount code publishers, but we are open to try a campaign.