Emma AT

Emma AT

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Emma Matratze Affiliate Program

Very important! 

Every publishing/article needs to be approved by Emma due to legal reasons. Because of the immense amount of legal disputes, it is crucial for Emma to review the content of the publishing beforehand to avoid any legal risks. Emma is responsible for keeping the website https://www.emma-matratze.at/ compliant, so our website serves as the right basis to get information from. Nonetheless, this is not sufficient. 
Non-compliance risks – If a publishing/article is published without Emma’s approval, Emma retains the right to withhold commission for all ongoing transactions with the publisher. A first warning by Emma to change the information of the article or completely delete shall be sufficient for the publisher to still receive its commission. Failure to comply results in a second warning where no commission will be given to the publisher. The last and third warning by Emma will inform the publisher that its been expulsed from the program. 

For further legal information, please find attached our Rule Book or reach out to your POC for Emma.

• The standard commission is 5%
• The commission is paid once a product has been tested for 100 nights and not returned

Voucher and Discount Codes:
• Only discount codes provided directly through the network may be promoted by member organizations.
• All affiliates promoting codes not directly provided to them may result in transactions made with these vouchers being disapproved, and there is a risk of removal from the program.

PPC Restrictions - No Brand Bidding:
• Emma Matratze affiliates are not allowed to bid on brand terms in any search engines.
• Any affiliates bidding on brand terms will be removed from the program. Emma Matratze will not pay any commission for these sales.
• Affiliates are prohibited from using the brand name in combination with generic terms.
• We monitor paid search queries for all competing keywords and request your support in this process.
• No bidding on brand terms or misspellings/typos. This applies to both the brand term and URLs containing the brand term.
• You are not allowed to create a direct link to the Emma Mattress website or send customers directly to the Emma Mattress website via a redirect from a PPC ad.
• Please include the term "Emma" as a negative keyword in all campaigns to reduce the risk of appearing on brand terms such as "Emma Matratze."
• We reserve the right to remove partners found bidding on brand terms from the program. Any commission earned from these sales will not be paid out.

• You cannot operate domains that solely contain brands for the purpose of controlling search engine traffic.
• It is important to note that affiliates may not use the URL of Emma Mattress (https://www.emma-matratze.at/), including all variations.
• Any partner using this URL may be removed from the program.
• Affiliates are not allowed to use the trademark term as a subdomain in their URL.
• Member organizations must use their own website, which may include brands in the subfolders of the URL.