Sculpt Nation (US)

Sculpt Nation (US)

Program Terms

Program Terms & Conditions:

-Commission Rate: 5% RevShare
-Cookie Duration: 30 Days
-Program Locking Period: 60 Days
-Geos: Worldwide
-Creatives (Must Use Approved Creatives, Contact Affiliate Manager for Custom Creatives or Submit Creatives to Affiliate Manager for Approval)
-Coupon Codes found outside of the affiliate program may be non-commissionable

Allowed Traffic Types
-Social Media

Restricted Traffic Types (Special Permissions May Allow Select Traffic Types)
-Paid Search
-Technology Partners
-Downloadable Toolbar Partners
-Adult Traffic
-Any Tactics That May Be Considered Spam

Promo Codes

Affiliates are only authorized to advertise promotion codes that are posted on Sculpt Nation's affiliate channel on Awin site or within the advertising interface. Publisher agrees to remove any promotion code from its website upon the request of Sculpt Nation's Affiliate Team. Sales generated through unauthorized promotion codes are not commissionable and will be removed immediately.

Legal Notice
-Failure to abide by the above could result in termination and non-payment of commissions.
-Fraud is a serious offense, and will be treated as such. Fraud is defined as any action that intentionally attempts to create sales, leads, or click-throughs using robots, scripts, dis-approved payments, or manually "refreshing" of pages, for the sole purpose of creating commissions.
-Brand reserves the right to withhold any commissions earned from a non-affiliate transaction or for any other reason they deem at their sole discretion.