Scandic SE

Scandic SE


Scandic Hotels  Affiliate Program Terms & Conditions

The agreement below governs the relationship between “You” (the affiliate) and “We” or “Us” (the Scandic Hotels).

By agreeing to the below, you agree that you will comply to all conditions outlined and understand that any breach of these Terms & Conditions may result in your removal from the campaign and commissions being declined.

PPC Policy

Unless specifically agreed in with Scandic Hotelsl, affiliates must not:

i) purchase, license or operate any domain name which is confusingly
similar to or

ii) bid on branded Scandic keywords, or any of its misspellings in search engines that currently operate web services. (e.g Scandic, scandichotels, skandic and similar)

Purchase and use of Domains 

Affiliates are not permitted to register domain names that include variations of scandic hotels unless agreed directly with Scandic.


Email policy

Affiliates are not permitted to send any unsolicited email under this affiliate program. If you wish to send out an email on behalf of Scandic Hotels to your database you must seek prior approval from Scandic hotels

Discount Code Policy

Affiliates are only permitted to use any discount code or voucher code provided directly by AWIN / Scandic Hotels for their use in the affiliate channel.

Affiliates are not permitted to promote any discount code or voucher codes that are being utilized exclusively by other marketing channels. The use of 'illegal' discount codes may result in sales being declined and ultimately suspension from the affiliate program.


Social Media

Affiliates are not permitted to pose as Scandic Hotels on any platforms.


Breach of Network Terms & Conditions

Any action taken by the affiliate network (AWIN) to remove an affiliate site from the network may result in an affiliate being removed from the Scandic Hotels affiliate program.


Sales Validation

Starting from 13th October 2023 our commission structure as well as our Terms and Conditions will be updated to reflect the following:

  Default Commission: 

  • A flat rate commission of 4% to new customers as well as logged in (Scandic Friends) members on consumed bookings and for commissionable rates only
  • Scandic Hotels will not pay commission on non-commissionable rates (using loyalty rate codes.) These non-commissionable rates include Rewards Rates, Travel Agency Rates, Scandic Hotels Employee, Scandic Employee Friends & Family Rates and Scandic Corporate Rates 
  • If bookings are cancelled, commission will not be paid.


As usual Scandic will only pay for consumed room nights due to Scandic’s generous cancellation policy. Furthermore, commissions will only be paid for bookings that do not use booking codes or promotional codes (e.g., corporate customers using a corporate code, Scandic discount or partner codes, or Member redemptions e.g. Bonus checks or points).