

Terms and Conditions

Tomlow Limited

Tomlow Limited operates the Ricky website. Tomlow Limited is a registered company in England and Wales, with the company number 06413790.

Our main trading and registered address is at Pure Offices, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, GL51 6SH.

Our VAT number is GB101746546.

Discounts & voucher codes
It is strictly forbidden to promote discount codes from the Ricky newsletter or from the website https://www.ricky.com with the exception of individual agreements between Ricky and the publisher. All affiliates should take care not to promote unauthorised codes in any manner. If a publisher does not meet the stated conditions, the commission will be refused. After multiple violations of these conditions, the publisher runs the risk of being suspended from the Ricky affiliate program.

Affiliates are not allowed to bid on the brand name terms or any derivation or misspelling including but not isolated to:

Ricky Sex Toys
Ricky Rabbit
Have a Ricky

Ricky has a comprehensive in-house PPC program. We do not want affiliates competing with our own campaigns. Affiliates found bidding on these terms will have pending transactions cancelled and face suspension from the program.

To avoid broad match issues we would urge you to include the above terms as negative keywords in all PPC campaigns else action will be taken against affiliates that persistently break the terms and conditions of the Ricky affiliate program.

Domain names
Affiliates cannot use any domain names that include our Ricky, Ricky Rabbit or Have a Ricky brand or misspells of our registered trademarks.

Registered trademarks
Ricky, Ricky Rabbit and Have A Ricky are all registered trademarks of Tomlow Limited.

Affiliates must use the creatives available via Awin only. You must not use your own or modify the creatives provided without prior approval from us.

Breach of terms
Ricky reserve the right to withhold commission payments to any affiliate found to be in breach of these terms.

Contacting Us
Please contact us via email at care@ricky.com.