

Terms and Conditions

Currensea and Awin support the Affiliate Marketing Council's Ethical Merchant Charter. Should any of your commissions need to be declined we will always provide a reason.

Voucher Codes: Currensea does not offer third parties vouchers codes.

Cashback/Loyalty/Rewards: All cashback/loyalty/reward offers should be advertised as the user will receive their incentive upon transacting with Currensea. Any registrations that we consider to have registered simply for cashback/reward will be deemed as invalid. 

Email Marketing Campaigns: Affiliates promoting Currensea through email marketing must contact the Affiliate Team for creative sign off.

Currensea takes GDPR compliance seriously.  All publishers intending to promote Currensea via email to a database must be fully GDPR compliant and gain the relevant user consent before promoting Currensea to their database. Any affiliates who are found to be non-compliant will be suspended immediately and all pending commission will be declined.

Affiliates are prohibited from using Currensea's Refer a Friend scheme and the affiliate scheme under one tracking link.

As a financial services company, it’s essential that Currensea adheres to the codes of conduct set out by regulators such as the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and the Commission of Advertising Practices (CAP). 

Please ensure when promoting Currensea through social media or website content you clearly include the following:

  • Disclosures – these should be prominent enough to draw the attention of the user. If you’ve written a nice, natural article about a general subject and have linked to Currensea, you must disclose the link before the reader gets to it 

  • Labels – if we have played any part in creating the content, you must label the editorial as an ‘Advertisement Feature’ 

  • Tag – if you’re linking to Currensea through social media, you should always disclose with tags like #ad 

Paid Search: Currensea operates a strict policy on paid search activity. These Terms and Conditions are applicable on any ad platform, including, but not limited to search engines, content networks and social networking ad placements.

In order to avoid any broad matching issues, affiliates must add Currensea,,, as negative keywords in all paid search activity.

Affiliates are not permitted to bid or appear on brand searches. Example: Currensea,,

Affiliates are not permitted to bid or appear on extended or hybrid brand searches. Example: Currensea rates, Currensea card, Currensea foreign exchange

Affiliates are not permitted to bid or appear on misspells or variations of brand searches. Example:curren-sea, currency card

Affiliates are not permitted to use the Currensea trademark in any paid search activity, whether this is in ad text, copy or display URLs.

Affiliates also must not send traffic through automatic redirects on a website page.

Affiliates are not permitted to use the brand name (including misspells and variations) as a sub domain or sub folder. Example:,,

Currensea reserve the right to cancel or void leads that do not meet Currensea's requirements, or if the lead appears to be of a fraudulent or inappropriate nature. This includes duplications.

Intellectual Property Rights: Affiliates must respect the intellectual property rights of Currensea. These rights include trade marks and service marks, copyright and related rights, trade names and domain names, rights to goodwill or to use in passing off and rights in confidential information. If an affiliate infringes these rights, we may remove them from the program and may retain any commission that would otherwise be due to the affiliate. Currensea requires clearance on draft proofs of any copy that is to appear in any offline communication including and not limited to press campaigns.

Anyone found infringing on these terms will be contacted by the Currensea Affiliate Team. Please note anyone found contravening the T&C’s may have their commissions declined and face suspension from the programme. In extreme circumstances Currensea reserve to right to immediately suspend any affiliates found contravening these terms and conditions, declining any commissions accrued from the activity.

Please note that by joining the Currensea Awin programme you agree that any pre-existing arrangement you may have had with Currensea becomes null and void.

For more information, or further clarification on whether your activity would contravene any of the above Terms and Conditions please contact the Affiliate Team.

Currensea will always aim to give as much notice as possible should any changes which affect affiliates and the affiliate program occur in the future.

Contact Details

The Currensea Affiliate Team is available to provide assistance and dedicated support for all affiliates. Please feel free to contact the team at if you would like any further clarification or information on the Currensea affiliate programme.